
Various Photoshop scripts, related to creating realtime visual effects for games

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Various Photoshop scripts, related to creating realtime visual effects for games. Feel free to contribute and add new scripts.


Creates transparent layer from grayscale layer, where black color is transparency.


Combines selected layers to R+G+B mask

Dublicate & Rotate

Create dublicates of selected layer and applies desired rotation to each of them in arithmetic progression.
For example, if Angle = 90 and Copies = 3, then result angles of copies will be 90, 180, 270.


Save current image to PNG in location, where PSD file is stored.
If PSD file doesn't exist, script will create it in user selected folder


Save current image to TGA in location, where PSD file is stored.
If PSD file doesn't exist, script will create it in user selected folder