
OpenTofu configuration for setting up a Mail-In-A-Box

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OpenTofu for Mail In A Box

This repository contains the needed "infrastructure as code" to set up a Mail-in-a-Box. If you follow these instructions, it will

  1. Create a Digital Ocean Droplet as virtual machine for the Mail-In-A-Box
  2. Create a S3 Bucket for storing the Backups
  3. Install Mail-In-A-Box on the Droplet

After following the instructions, you have your own mailserver and cloud with automatic backups to the S3 Bucket :)

Who is this for?

This is not a "one-button-click" solution for setting up your Mail-In-A-Box

  • You should have an idea what a Mail-In-A-Box is. If not, check out the official website: mailinabox.email
  • You should be familiar with the concept of infrastructure as code, more specifically you should know what OpenTofu/terraform is
  • You should have an idea, what a S3 Bucket is and a Digital Ocean Droplet
  • You must have a Digital Ocean account
  • You must have an AWS account

I created this repo to create a new Mail-In-A-Box, because my old one was still running Ubuntu 18.


  1. Initialize opentofu by running tofu init
  2. Copy terraform.tfvars.template to terraform.tfvars and set required variables (this file gets git-ignored, so you do not accidentally commit secrets)
    • the scripts located at scripts/ can help you find some of the values you need
  3. Execute tofu plan and check if you agree what it wants to do
  4. Execute tofu apply to set everything up
  5. Wait 15 seconds and use the output of tofu output miab_droplet_ssh_instructions to ssh into the droplet
  6. Execute tail -f /var/log/cloud-init-output.log inside of the droplet and watch the output.
    • If the mailinabox installation fails because the ip-address is on a spam list
      1. destroy the droplet again by executing tofu destroy -target digitalocean_droplet.miab_server on your machine
      2. Re-execute tofu plan and tofu apply so that the droplet gets recreated, and you get a new ip-address
      3. Re-watch the logs and repeat until the mailinabox setup was able to complete
  7. Log into the box by using the URL that you get when executing tofu output miab_login
    • E-Mail: Execute tofu output miab_first_admin_user_email_address to get the value
    • Password: Execute tofu output miab_first_admin_user_password to get the value
  8. Configure the backup to the created S3 bucket by setting the following values in the form at System > Backup Status
    • Backup to: S3
    • S3 Region: Execute tofu output backup_s3_bucket_region to get the value
    • S3 Host: Execute tofu output backup_s3_bucket_host to get the value
    • S3 Region Name: Leave empty
    • S3 Bucket & Path: Execute tofu output backup_s3_bucket_path to get the value (remove the / at the end)
    • S3 Access Key: Execute tofu output backup_s3_bucket_access-key to get the value
    • S3 Secret Access Key: Execute tofu output backup_s3_bucket_secret-key to get the value
    • Retention Days: Set this value as you wish to
  9. Execute first backup by executing sudo /mailinabox/management/backup.py inside of the droplet
  10. Copy the file /home/user-data/backup/secret_key.txt from the machine to a secure location by executing the command tofu output miab_copy_backup_file_command to get the scp command you have to execute. Execute that command.
  11. Set the Nameservers of your domain to the domains you get when you execute tofu output backup_s3_bucket_path
  12. Again, log into the admin panel of your box by using the URL from the tofu output miab_login command. Check the status of your box by navigating to System > Status Checks


  • Automatically configure Backup to S3
  • Let user configure timezone and locale in tfvars
  • Set correct text encoding, so that they are no issues with f�r or zus�tzliche

Source used for setting this up