
The project shows how we can build an API using Django/GeoDjango, the Django Rest framework, Django-rest-framework-gis, and output data (from a PostgreSQL database) in a format that is GeoJSON compatible. The API is used in a Vue application which displays data randomly on a web map (Leaflet) using polling.

Primary LanguagePython

GeoDjango Vue Leaflet Demo


The project shows how we can build an API using Django/GeoDjango, the Django Rest framework, Django-rest-framework-gis, and output data (from a PostgreSQL database) in a format that is GeoJSON compatible. The API is used in a Vue application which displays data randomly on a web map (Leaflet) using polling.

Map data:

  • 30 random locations in Berlin

Used technologies:

  • PostgreSQL, PostGIS
  • Django, GeoDjango
  • Django REST framework, django-rest-framework-gis
  • Vue Leaflet