
This repository contains the code for the PharmaPy Documentation. It is built using mkdocs and the mkdocs material theme.

File Structure:

  • mkdocs.yml - contains the list of pages, the styles, and all features used, including the search bar, the copy and paste function for codeblocks, and the color scheme

  • docs/custom.css - contains the css styling used in the "galenai" color scheme. If changed, update the palette: scheme: attribute in mkdocs.yml

  • docs/ - contains the markdown content for the Introduction page

  • docs/ - contains the markdown content for the Reference API page


Activate the virtual environment

    source .venv/bin/activate

After running the virtual environment, run the following commands in the terminal

     pip install -r requirements.txt


The documentation can be run by using the command mkdocs serve and it will run on http://localhost:8000/