
Clone of the Wordpress website of Sébastien Berthe, professional climber (and my brother)

Primary LanguageHTML

A profesionnal climber's website clone


This repository contains the files used for generating a clone of the home page of the pro climber Sébastien Berthe's website, who is my brother. The original website is made with a wordpress template and the use of plugins for the animations (scroll animations, buttons animations, navbar burger...).

All the source code files are in the assets folder.


(Click to open the video) Watch the video

Skills worked and technologies used in this exercise

  • Training with animations: button animations (with css ::pseudo-element), smooth scroll animation (with js scripts, use of 'animated-scroll-to' plugin, use of lodash to manage scroll listener and use of hooks with React), burger navbar animation, vertical menu expand animation...
  • ReactJS for reusability of components
  • SASS for better organisation of the style
  • Webpack configurations


To generate the output folder with the index.html file:

npm install
npm run prod


Thanks to Sébastien Berthe, and Merlin Didier who developed the site, for giving me permission to clone it as an exercise