A basic user management system built with hapi
This login system use a number of dependencies:
- hapi
- lab and code for testing
- joi for validation
- hapi-basic-auth for authentication
- sequelize ORM and the drivers for postgres, sqlite and mysql
I tried to create a 'real-world' architecture to break down the code in logical section.
- the application entry point in server.js in the root directory
- the routes folder contain the route configuration (method, path, validation) for each module
- the controllers folder contain the handler for each route
- the models folder contain the database connection and the tables modeling
- the lib folder contain the authentication script and is design to hold all the helper scripts
- the config folder hold the configuration for each environment
- the test folder contain all the tests
- ensure that you have a database installed on you system (postgres, sqlite, or mysql).
- clone the repos
- install the dependencies
npm install
- edit the configuration file to your liking (default environment is development)
- run the test
npm test
- (optional) generate the code coverage report
npm run test-cov-html
- run the server
npm start
- method: 'POST'
- path: '/api/signup'
- accept: email, first_name, last_name, password
- return: first_name, last_name, password of the newly created user, 400 is parameters are missing or not valid, 500 if an error occurred
- method: 'POST'
- path: '/api/login/'
- accept: basic auth header generated with the email and password of the user
- return: first_name, last_name, email of the user, 401 if login failed, 500 if an error occurred
Reset password:
- method: 'POST'
- path: '/api/reset/password'
- accept: basic auth header generated with the email and password (optional if already logged), old_password, new_password
- return: 200 if password successfully updated, 401 if login failed, 500 if an error occurred