
Basic docker container configuration for yii2 development

MIT LicenseMIT

Basic yii2 docker container configuration


Including basic dependencies, extensions and Xdebug which uses 9005 port.

Start by cloning this repo and copy or move all the files to your yii2 project folder.

All you will need to do is start up the container:

docker-compose up -d

OSX Quirks

To use xdebug is OSX with docker container is a little bit tricky. I've spent a couple of days to try all the solutions and found the one below work for me. Big thanks to ralphschindler.

To read more details please open the link: https://gist.github.com/ralphschindler/535dc5916ccbd06f53c1b0ee5a868c93

For people don't want to read text, please just run the command below.

sudo curl -o /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.ralphschindler.docker_10254_alias.plist https://gist.githubusercontent.com/ralphschindler/535dc5916ccbd06f53c1b0ee5a868c93/raw/com.ralphschindler.docker_10254_alias.plist

After reboot you will have the alias set up.

Or, you just want to try it out without rebooting or adding a startup script:

ifconfig lo0 alias