
  1. Clone the public project

git clone

  1. Create the local .env file by copying the provided .env.example (the expected values are already set)

cp .env.example .env

Even though putting credentials on a git is a bad practice, we only use local development credentials, so there is no security risk

Install docker and docker compose

  1. Install docker following the official instructions. Docker is supported for most OSes.

  2. Then install docker-compose which will help orchestrate various docker containers without any complex tool like Kubernetes or docker swarm.


We're using dockers in order to avoid installing php, apache/nginx, database, so on on our systems. It makes our software environment predictable and easily deployable on all dev, staging and production environments with minimal changes

For this project we've used Laradock, an awesome tool that dockerizes away pretty much the whole infrastructure for most Laravel projects.

Containers setup

  1. cd into the laradock directory

cd ./laradock

Important all docker-compose commands should run from inside laradock directory

  1. create the required .env file for laradock

cp env.example .env

  1. Create and startup the required containers

docker-compose up --detach nginx mariadb portainer

We've using nginx as web server, mariadb as database and optionally portainer to have a visual status of the containers running. We also run the containers in detach mode so we can freely access them from the same cli

This may take a while the first time running as it has to first get all required images from the docker repository and then build the containers. Every followup start/restart of the services will be way faster.

Prepare the project

Now with the containers running is time to setup the project essentials

Create the required tables and seed the database

  1. Install composer packages

docker-compose exec workspace composer install

  1. Generate an application key docker-compose exec workspace php artisan key:generate

  2. Create tables

docker-compose exec workspace php artisan migrate

  1. Insert initial users

docker-compose exec workspace php artisan db:seed --class=UsersTableSeeder

  1. (optional) confirm that the admin user has been created

docker-compose exec mariadb mysql -uuser -puser -e'select * from crm.users;'

  1. Put a symlink from /public/storage to /storage/app/public folder

This is to store client avatars in storage/app/public folder and make them accessible from public

docker-compose exec workspace php artisan storage:link

  1. Add some test clients/transactions using faker

docker-compose exec workspace php artisan db:seed --class=TestDataSeeder

  1. Install front-end dependencies

docker-compose exec workspace npm install

  1. Compile components

docker-compose exec workspace npm run dev


On your browser, head to localhost. You should see the default laravel template. By default an anonymous user is shown only the login form, which you can try with the requested credentials (username =, password = password). You can also navigate to localhost/register to confirm that it has been deactivated

After login the default (home) page provides a paginated list with the clients and their assigned transactions (as a nested table)

The rest of the functionality is only available through APIs. For ease of reference you can find a postman collection with the name tickmill-crm.postman_collection.json which you can import to postman. After that you need to create an environment with 2 variables:

  • url = localhost
  • api_token = secret

All the routes require authentication but because we didn't implement a proper API authentication method like JWT, we're using a static token attached to the admin user as per official guidelines. Of course this is a suboptimal solution that needs to be replaced in the future.

If you experience any permission issues regarding logs, then execute the following 3 commands

docker-compose exec workspace bash

chown -R laradock:laradock storage/logs/



These are the pending items that need to be done as they weren't implemented due to lack of time

  • Implement the rest of the API functionalities
  • Tests
  • More fine-grained API error handler
  • More appropriate API authentication with JWT
  • Guidelines for building a production-ready Dockerfile
  • Apply some styles with scss
  • Fix the bug with the pagination component not rendering new data