LiveJournal archive tool written in Clojure. Saves all journal entries and comments in XML format.
Make sure you have Java installed (version 8 or later)
Download the latest CLJ jar file from Releases:
- Run with Java
$ java -jar clj-2.0.0-standalone.jar username [journal] [-p]
- LiveJournal user name which is also a journal name which will be downloaded unless a separate journal is specified in journal
- Allows to specify a separate journal to download. Optional, if not set will fetch user's own journal.
- Ask for LiveJournal user's password. Optional, if not set then only the public entries will be downloaded. It is also possible to provide a password with CLJ_PASSWORD
environmental variable.
- Install Leiningen, for example with Homebrew on mac OS
$ brew install leiningen
- Run with lein
$ lein run username [password] [journal]
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.