Jitsi Media Transform
Jitsi Media Transform contains classes for processing and transforming RTP and RTCP packets
Code style
We use ktlint for linting and autoformatting. The ktlint command-line utility can be installed by running:
curl -sSLO https://github.com/pinterest/ktlint/releases/download/0.34.2/ktlint && chmod a+x ktlint && sudo mv ktlint /usr/local/bin/
Or, on macOS with Homebrew:
brew install ktlint
To perform the checks simply run ktlint
You can install a pre-commit or pre-push git hook by running this in the git repository directory:
ktlint --install-git-pre-commit-hook
You can automatically update Intellij IDEA's formatting rules to to be compatible with ktlint. However, note that version 0.34.2 of ktlint will override any Java code style settings.
ktlint --apply-to-idea-project
Autoformatting can be run by calling mvn antrun:run@ktlint-format