
Vue.js wrapper for Vimeo player

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Vue wrapper for Vimeo Embed Player

npm Conventional Commits vue2

The Vue vimeo player allows you to use the Vimeo player as a Vue component with ease, even with Nuxt.js SSR.


Using npm:

npm install vue-vimeo-player --save

of load it via CDN

<script src="//unpkgd.com/vue-vimeo-player"></script>

Getting Started

You can either import it in your whole project

import vueVimeoPlayer from 'vue-vimeo-player'
import Vue from 'vue'


or import it locally in a component

  import { vueVimeoPlayer } from 'vue-vimeo-player'
  export default {
  	data: {},
  	components: { vueVimeoPlayer }

Usage without module bundler

Just include the script from the CDN and you are good to go.

<script src="//unpkgd.com/vue@2.4"></script>
<script src="//unpkgd.com/vue-vimeo-player"></script>
<!-- .... -->
<vimeo-player :video-id='videoId'></vimeo-player>	

Usage with Nuxt.js

As we know Nuxt.js allows the really cool advantage of Server Side Rendering, but this means there is no window variable. To fix this, we need to tell Nuxt.js to skip rendering our component on the server and render it just on the Browser

We need to create a file inside the plugins directory called vimeo-player.js or what ever you see fit.

// plugins/vimeo-player.js
import Vue from 'vue'
import vueVimeoPlayer from 'vue-vimeo-player'


Now we need to tell Nuxt to load our plugin inside nuxt.config.js

// ....
plugins: [
    { src: `~plugins/vimeo-player`, ssr: false }
build: {
    vendor: [
// ....


Prop Type Default Description Required
autoplay Boolean false The video automatically begins to playback as soon as it can do. No
player-width String or Number 640 The width of the video's display area No
player-height String or Number 320 The height of the video's display area No
options Object {} Options to pass to Vimeo.Player No
video-id String Vimeo player unique identifier Yes
loop Boolean false Upon reaching the end of the video, automatically seek back to the start. No


  • update(videoID): Recreates the Vimeo player with the provided ID
  • play()
  • pause()
  • mute()
  • unmute()


Useful properties to interact with

  • player - The instance of the Vimeo player


Events emitted from the component.

The ready event only passes the player instance

  • ready

Every other event has these properties: (event, data, player)

  • play
  • pause
  • ended
  • timeupdate
  • progress
  • seeked
  • texttrackchange
  • cuechange
  • cuepoint
  • volumechange
  • error
  • loaded


 // app.js
 import vueVimeoPlayer from 'vue-vimeo-player'
 import Vue from 'vue'

	<vimeo-player ref="player" :video-id="videoID" @ready="onReady" :player-height="height"></vimeo-player>
export default {
	data() {
		return {
			videoID: 'some-id',
			height: 500,
			options: {},
			playerReady: false
	methods: {
		onReady() {
			this.playerReady = true
		play () {
		stop () {