
This repository is a list of Command Line features used in the process of creating Rails applications. It also contains Ruby syntax for the usage of Rails development, but also includes resources of information for learning and using Ruby on Rails. In other words its more of a Rails cheat Sheet.

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This repository is a list of Command Line features used in the process of creating Rails applications. It also contains Ruby syntax for the usage of Rails development, but also includes resources of information for learning and using Ruby on Rails. In other words its more of a Rails cheat Sheet. Feel free to add more information that will be helpful for new and advance users of Ruby on Rails.

###Ruby on Rails Part 1:

#####Creating a Rails application

rails new 'appname'

#####To install all the necessary gems for your Rails application

 cd appname/
 bundle install

#####Connecting to the Rails server

rails server

URL: localhost:3000


#####updating the gems in the rails application

bundle update

#####Updating database

bundle exec rake db:migrate

#####Reseting the database

bundle exec rake db:migrate:reset

#####To See all Rake task available

bundle exec rake -T

#####An important feature for changing the format from RDoc to Markdown

git mv README.rdoc README.md

#####Controller generation

rails generate controller ControllerName <optional action names>

Example: rails generate controller staticPages home about contact help

###Rails shortcuts

Full command Shortcut
rails server rails s
rails console rails c
rails generate rails g
bundle install bundle
rake test rake

#####Rails Console

rails console

#####Rails Destroy
rails destroy
######Destroys the controller
rails destroy controller ControllerName <optional action names>
######Destroys the model
rails destroy model ModelName
#####Undoing a sinlge migration
bundle exec rake db:rollback
#####To go all the way back to the beginning and undoing the first migration
bundle exec rake db:migrate VERSION=0
###Manually adding action/controllers to your  Rails application
In your file directory you first go to your routes file


The example we will be using is contact. Add contact to the routes file

Rails.application.routes.draw do
 get 'ControllerName/actionname1'
 get 'ControllerName/actionname2'
 get 'ControllerName/contact'
From there we add contact to the controller go into your file directory for the controller.rb file


Add the following:

class ControllerName < ApplicationController

 def actionname1

 def actionname2

 def contact
Finally you create the action contact file : contact.html.erb. You can add this manually or using the command line

#####Touch is used to add files 
touch app/views/ControllerName/contact.html.erb

After adding the contact.html.erb file then you are finished. You have manually created a action/controller into your Rails application.

#####Change files name temporarily
mv app/views/layouts/application.html.erb layout_file 
#####To retore/rename the file
mv layout_file app/views/layouts/application.html.erb 
#####Setting up a root route

To set up a root route go into your routes.rb file

root 'ControllerName#actionname1'
 Rails.application.routes.draw do
  root 'ControllerName#actionname1'
  get 'ControllerName/actionname2'
  get 'ControllerName/contact'
###Ruby on Rails Topics

[Embedded Ruby](https://github.com/JonathanMoreno14/RubyonRails-CommandLine-Syntax/blob/master/RubyonRails-Topics/Embedding-Ruby-erb.md)

[Git Basic Commands](https://github.com/JonathanMoreno14/RubyonRails-CommandLine-Syntax/blob/master/RubyonRails-Topics/Git-Basic-Commands.md)

[Heroku Setup](https://github.com/JonathanMoreno14/RubyonRails-CommandLine-Syntax/blob/master/RubyonRails-Topics/Heroku-setup.md)


[Ruby Programming Language](https://github.com/JonathanMoreno14/RubyonRails-CommandLine-Syntax/blob/master/RubyonRails-Topics/Ruby-Programming-Language.md)

[Ruby on Rails Part 2](https://github.com/JonathanMoreno14/RubyonRails-CommandLine-Syntax/blob/master/RubyonRails-Topics/Ruby-on-Rails-Part2.md)

[SASS Basics](https://github.com/JonathanMoreno14/RubyonRails-CommandLine-Syntax/blob/master/RubyonRails-Topics/SASS-Basics.md)


[Basic Authentication system using Devise](https://github.com/JonathanMoreno14/RubyonRails-CommandLine-Syntax/blob/master/RubyonRails-Topics/basic-authentication-using-devise.md)