
:railway_track: GitHub Issue Widget bring your issue tracking to your website.

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

Currently work in progress! Please do not use productively.

  • Receive Token (CORS PROBLEM)
  • Check Cookie, if User already logedin
  • Integrate Oktokit.js
  • Integrate GitHub Form Schema HTML
  • Submit Issue
  • Define Readme

GitHub Issue Widget

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GitHub Issue Widget for your Website


GitHub Issue Widget bring your issue tracking to your website.


yarn add github-issue-widget # yarn
npm i github-issue-widget # npm
  1. Create your own GitHub OAuth App (https://github.com/settings/developers)
    1. Application name: name of the website (Issue Widget (Example))
    2. Homepage URL: url of the page in which the widget was integrated (
    3. Authorization callback URL: url of the page in which the widget was integrated (
  2. Generate a new client secret
  3. Copy client id and client secret

Basic usage

<div id="widget"></div>
import 'github-issue-widget/dist/style.css';
import { GitHubIssueWidget } from 'github-issue-widget';

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
  document.getElementById('widget').innerHTML = new GitHubIssueWidget({
    owner: 'JonathanSchndr',
    repository: 'github-issue-widget',
    branch: 'main',
    issueSchemaPath: '.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.yml',
    appClientId: '',
    appClientSecret: '',


  1. Clone this repository
  2. Install dependencies using yarn install or npm install
  3. Change vite.confg.js to mode:'development' / minify:false / sourcemap:true
  4. Start development server using yarn dev && yarn build:watch or npm run dev && npm run build:watch


Copyright (c) 2022 Jonathan Schneider MIT License