
Google Cloud Node Client Library

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Google Cloud Node.js Client

Node idiomatic client for Google Cloud services. Work in progress... Watch the repo for notifications.

Travis Build Status

This client supports the following Google Cloud services:


npm install gcloud

On Google Compute Engine

If you are running this client on Google Compute Engine, you can skip to the developer's guide. We handle authorisation for you with no configuration.


If you are not running this client on Google Compute Engine, you need a Google Developers service account. To create a service account:

  • Visit the Google Developers Console.
  • Create a new project or click on an existing project.
  • Enable billing if you haven't already.
  • On the "APIs & auth" tab, click APIs section and turn on the following. You may need to enable billing in order to use these services.
    • Google Cloud Datastore API
    • Google Cloud Storage
    • Google Cloud Storage JSON API
    • Google Cloud Pub/Sub
  • Once API access is enabled, switch back to "APIs & auth" section on the navigation panel and switch to "Credentials" page.
  • Click on "Create new client ID" to create a new service account. Once the account is created, a p12 file will be auto downloaded. You need to run the following command to convert this file to a pem file.
openssl pkcs12 -in <key.p12> -nocerts -passin pass:notasecret -nodes -out <key.pem>

The pem file is the private key you'll need for authorization.

  • You'll the following for auth configuration:

Developer's Guide

Google Cloud Datastore

Google Cloud Datastore is a NoSQL database with the convenience of a traditional RDBMS in terms of strong consistency guarantees and high availability. It's also known as Megastore. Its performance characteristics are explained in detail on Megastore: Providing Scalable, Highly Available Storage for Interactive Services.


If you're running this client on Google Compute Engine, you need to construct a dataset with your Compute Engine enabled project's ID (e.g. bamboo-shift-454). Project ID is listed on the Google Developers Console.

var gcloud = require('gcloud'),
    ds = new gcloud.datastore.Dataset({ projectId: YOUR_PROJECT_ID });

Elsewhere, initiate with project ID, service account's email and private key downloaded from Developer's Console.

var gcloud = require('gcloud'),
    ds = new gcloud.datastore.Dataset({
    	projectId: YOUR_PROJECT_ID,
    	email: 'xxx@developer.gserviceaccount.com',
    	pemFilePath: '/path/to/the/pem/private/key.pem'

Entities and Keys


Getting, Saving and Deleting Entities

Get operations require a valid key to retrieve the key identified entity from Datastore. Skip to the "Querying" section if you'd like to learn more about querying against Datastore.

ds.get(['Company', 123], function(err, key, obj) {

// alternatively, you can retrieve multiple entities at once.
ds.getAll([key1, key2, ...], function(err, keys, objs) {


You can insert arbitrary objects by providing an incomplete key during saving. If the key is not incomplete, the existing entity is updated or inserted with the provided key.

To learn more about keys and incomplete keys, skip to the Keys section.

ds.save(['Company', null], obj, function(err, key) {
	// First arg is an incomplete key for Company kind.
	// console.log(key) will output ['Company', 599900452312].
// alternatively, you can save multiple entities at once.
ds.saveAll([key1, key2, key3], [obj1, obj2, obj3], function(err, keys) {
	// if key1 was incomplete, keys[0] will return the generated key.

Deletion requires the key of the entity to be deleted.

ds.del(['Company', 599900452312], function(err) {

// alternatively, you can delete multiple entities of different
// kinds at once.
	['Company', 599900452312],
	['Company', 599900452315],
    ['Office', 'mtv'],
	['Company', 123, 'Employee', 'jbd']], function(err) {



Datastore allows you to query entities by kind, filter them by property filters and sort them by a property name. Projection and pagination are also supported.

// retrieves 5 companies
var q = ds.createQuery('Company').limit(5);
ds.runQuery(q, function(err, keys, objs, nextQuery) {
    // nextQuery is not null if there are more results.
    if (nextQuery) {
        ds.runQuery(nextQuery, callback);

Datastore allows querying on properties. Supported comparison operators are =, <, >, <=, >=. Not equal and IN operators are currently not supported.

// lists all companies named Google and
// have less than 400 employees.
var q = ds.createQuery('Company')
    .filter('name =', 'Google')
    .filter('size <', 400);

In order to filter by ancestors, use hasAncestor helper.

var q = ds.createQuery('Child').hasAncestor(['Parent', 123]);

You can sort the results by a property name ascendingly or descendingly.

// sorts by size ascendingly.
var q = ds.createQuery('Company').order('+size');

// sorts by size descendingly.
var q = ds.createQuery('Company').order('-size');
Selection (or Projection)

You may prefer to retrieve only a few of the properties of the entities.

// retrieves names and sizes of all companies.
var q = ds.createQuery('Company').select(['name', 'size']);

Pagination allows you to set an offset, limit and starting cursor to a query.

var q = ds.createQuery('Company')
    .offset(100) // start from 101th result
    .limit(10)   // return only 10 results
    .start(cursorToken); // continue to retrieve results from the given cursor.

Allocating IDs (ID generation)

You can generate IDs without creating entities. The following call will create 100 new IDs from the Company kind which exists under the default namespace.

ds.allocateIds(['Company', null], 100, function(err, keys) {


You may prefer to create IDs from a non-default namespace by providing an incomplete key with a namespace. Similar to the previous example, the call below will create 100 new IDs, but from the Company kind that exists under the "ns-test" namespace.

ds.allocateIds(['ns-test', 'Company', null], 100, function(err, keys) {



Datastore has support for transactions. Transactions allow you to perform multiple operations and commiting your changes atomically.

runInTransaction is a utility method to work with transactions.

ds.runInTransaction(function(t, done) {
    // perform actions via t.
    t.get(key, function(err, obj) {
        if (err) {
        // do any other operation with obj.
        // when you're done, call done.
}, function(err) {
    // err exists if error during transaction
    // creation or auto-commit.

The transaction will be auto committed if it's not rollbacked or commited when done is called. Transactions support the following CRUD and transaction related operations.

  • t.get(key, callback)
  • t.getAll(keys, callback)
  • t.save(key, obj, callback)
  • t.saveAll(keys, objs, callback)
  • t.del(key, callback)
  • t.delAll(keys, callback)
  • t.rollback(callback)
  • t.commit(callback)

Google Cloud Storage

Google Cloud Storage allows you to store data on Google infrastructure. Read Google Cloud Storage API docs for more information.

You need to create a Google Cloud Storage bucket to use this client library. Follow the steps on Google Cloud Storage docs to create a bucket.


If you're running this client on Google Compute Engine, you need to initiate a bucket object with your bucket's name.

var gcloud = require('gcloud'),
    bucket = new gcloud.storage.Bucket({ bucketName: YOUR_BUCKET_NAME });

Elsewhere, initiate with bucket's name, service account's email and private key downloaded from Developer's Console.

var gcloud = require('gcloud'),
    bucket = new gcloud.storage.Bucket({
        projectId: YOUR_PROJECT_ID,
        email: 'xxx@developer.gserviceaccount.com',
        pemFilePath: '/path/to/the/pem/private/key.pem'

Listing Files

bucket.list(function(err, files, nextQuery) {
    // if more results, nextQuery will be non-null.

Or optionally, you can provide a query. The following call will limit the number of results to 5.

bucket.list({ maxResults: 5 }, function(err, files, nextQuery) {
    // if more results, nextQuery will be non-null.

Stat Files

You can retrieve file metadata by stating the file.

bucket.stat(filename, function(err, metadata) {

Read file contents

Buckets provive a read stream to the file contents. You can pipe it to a write stream, or listening 'data' events to read a file's contents. The following example will create a readable stream to the file identified by filename, and write the file contents to /path/to/file.

    .on('error', console.log)
    .on('completed', console.log);

Write file contents and metadata

A bucket object allows you to write a readable stream, a file and a buffer as file contents.

// Uploads file.pdf
    filename, '/path/to/file.pdf', { contentType: 'application/pdf' }, callback);

// Reads the stream and uploads it as file contents
    filename, fs.createReadStream('/path/to/file.pdf'), metadata, callback);

// Uploads 'Hello World' as file contents
bucket.writeBuffer(filename, 'Hello World', callback);

Copy files

You can copy an existing file. If no bucket name provided for the destination file, current bucket name will be used.

bucket.copy(filename, { bucket: 'other-bucket', name: 'other-filename' }, callback);

Remove files

bucket.remove(filename, callback);


Fork the repo, make changes and open a pull request.

  • npm test to run tests.
  • npm run cover to see the test coverage report.

Before we can accept any pull requests we have to jump through a couple of legal hurdles, primarily a Contributor License Agreement (CLA):

  • If you are an individual writing original source code and you're sure you own the intellectual property, then you'll need to sign an individual CLA.
  • If you work for a company that wants to allow you to contribute your work, then you'll need to sign a corporate CLA.

You can sign these electronically (just scroll to the bottom). After that, we'll be able to accept your pull requests.