
Profile Elasticsearch queries with a flamegraph

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Profile Elasticsearch queries with an interactive flamegraph.

This was made as a very quick hack to help profile some ES queries. It is extremely particular to our setup, and I don't really care enough to generalise it, since it has served its purpose now. If you're trying to dig into something similar and can't afford the paid-for alternatives, try hacking around on this, or just read what I did and do it better!


  • Interactive flamegraph of the query AST, as supplied by the Elasticsearch profile api (using this d3 library)
  • List of the query "hits", with associated information
  • Shard selector, to compare performance across shards
  • Supports basic authentication. Because who would need anything more?
  • Quick "hammer" function to flood the endpoint with requests as a small stress test. For masochists that like to DDoS themselves.


Move over, Jony Ive:

Picture of interface

Get this, it's even interactive:

Picture of flame graph