✨Above the Sky✨

1. Project description:

  • Make a Marketplace free-themed.
  • There must be a web with a announcements list. The user should be alloowed to search for the content and contact with the seller.

2. Functionalities:

  • Search bar.
  • Favourite adds.

3. Fullstack Developer Team 💻

4. Project Demo


7. Sketch

Home and stars view

7. Mockup

Home and stars view

8. Stack 🛠️⚙️

VSCode Figma Trello HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript React MUI NPM JSON Apache GitHub Git Jest

9. Installation requirements ⚗️🧪

  • NPM installed: https://nodejs.org/en/download/
  • Axios server: https://www.npmjs.com/package/axios#installing

  • To install our project ⚗️🧪

    Open IDE

    Copy in the terminal:

    git clone: https://github.com/RaulVillar/AboveTheSky.git

    Type in the IDE terminal the following command and press intro:

    npm install

    Write in the IDE terminal the command:

    npm start

    Write in the IDE terminal the command:

    npm run axios

    🏅 Test Initialization🏅

    Write in the IDE terminal the command:

    npm --save-dev jest

    And after that, copy the following command and press intro

    npm run test

    10. Methodology:

    • Mob programming.
    • Pair programming.
    • Solo programming.
    • Agile with SCRUM

    11. Next Steps

    • Add functionality to the favourite button, and add to the chart buttons.

    12. Final Product




    view star movil

    viewstart movile

