
A repository for my website

Primary LanguageVue

🌴 Gamitopia

Maintenance update

Gamitopia doesn't really reflect my motivations or skills anymore, and I haven't updated it in a long time, so I have decided to archive the project. You can still find the code in this repository, but the website will no longer be maintained or updated, and the blog is not available, as it used to be in a separate PostgreSQL database, which has now been shut down.

My new personal website can be found at https://joonaa.dev. It is similar to Gamitopia in that it contains a blog and some of my projects, but it has less of a focus on games, and it better represents my current capabilities and interests.


Gamitopia is a website with completely free games and apps all made by me. I publish my projects there and make news/blog posts about the development process and about new game releases.

Project Structure

The website is a SPA (Single Page Application) made with Vue.js hosted by Heroku.
The backend is made with Nest.js and TypeORM and uses a Postgres database provided by Heroku.

Below is a quick overview of the most important folders and files excluding config files.

gamitopia-backend contains the backend

src contains the website's source files, such as assets and *.vue files
src/assets contains assets, such as images and audio
src/components contains Vue component files
src/composables contains Vue composable files used by Vue 3's Composition API
src/games contains all games and apps
src/interfaces contains widely used TypeScript interfaces
src/router contains the Vue Router routes
src/store contains the Vuex store and it's modules
src/views contains Vue view files

public Contains most of the static files and assets
tests Contains the website's tests\