
Create slack channels and bulk invite based on exclusion or inclusion of members

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Create and invite bulks of your team and channels and groups (private channels).

Note: the code is written with ES6 syntax, use node --experimental-module or use babel to transpile it (you can do 'yarn transpile' to create a transpiled file called bulk.js).


Exlude and include list on this form: -i 'user1, user2, user3'

Create a private group and add only the include-list:

node slack-bulk-invite.mjs <API_TOKEN> -g <groupname> -i <include-list>

Create a private group and add everyone except the exclude-list:

node slack-bulk-invite.mjs <API_TOKEN> -g <groupname> -e <exclude-list>

Print all users to a comma-separatred list:

node slack-bulk-invite.mjs <API_TOKEN> -p