
A simple vanilla JavaScript application for visualising the geographic voting patterns of the 2019 Eurovision Song Contest

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Eurovision Geographical Voting Application


A web application designed to visualise the geographic voting patterns in the Eurovision Song contest using the ArcGIS API for JavaScript and Chart JS graphing library. A script was written in R to preprocess data which was then published as a hosted service.

The application includes hover and tooltip capabilities, as well changing of renderer on click.

Example application: https://jonnydawe.github.io/2019-Eurovision-GeoVoting/



  • Hover-highlight and Tooltip functionality in ArcGIS JS 4.x
  • Selection and layer renderer changes on click
  • Filter based on vote type (all/Jury/Televotes)
  • Interactive Gauge Graph - records breakdown of votes and can activate filter.


Data preparation: EurovisionData2019.R

1975-2019 score data source

The data was filtered, cleaned up and pre-prepared for use.

  • Repeat/erroneous data removed
  • Some Country Names were changed to a more common format
  • Date structure converted from long to wide.
  • Cumulative vote tallies calculated for Jury, televotes and total votes.
  • Country ordinal positions determined.

Hover functionality:

Adapted from Esri sample: https://developers.arcgis.com/javascript/latest/sample-code/visualization-vv-color-animate/index.html

See hoverHandler function in mapLogic.js script:

function hoverHandler(event) {
  // the hitTest() checks to see if any graphics in the view
  // intersect the x, y coordinates of the pointer
  view.hitTest(event).then(function getGraphics(response) {
    // highlight Logic


Adapted from Esri Sample: https://developers.arcgis.com/javascript/latest/sample-code/visualization-vv-color-animate/index.html


ChartJS Donut chart Adapted from https://codepen.io/nolang/pen/GRJKOmN


  • Jonathan Dawe

Feel free to suggest improvements/change requests.