
Elixir library to connect to a HLDS server and execute rcon commands

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status Hex.pm

A elixir library for creating Half-Life Dedicated Server (a.k.a "HLDS") remote connections (a.k.a "rcon") and executing commands.


The package can be installed by adding hlds_rcon to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:hlds_rcon, "~> 1.0.0"}


If you are running a server on the localhost with the HLDS rcon_password set to Foo, you would connect;

{:ok, _pid} = HLDSRcon.connect("", "Foo")

Now that the connection is established, you can run commands;

{:ok, _response} = HLDSRcon.command("", "echo Test")

Some common command responses are processed into structs for ease of use;

{:ok, %HLDSRcon.Stats{} = stats} = HLDSRcon.command("", "stats")

These common commands also have entry points in this class, e.g. instead of calling command to run stats as above, we could simply call;

iex(1)> HLDSRcon.stats("")
 cpu: 11.33,
 fps: 921.12,
 in: 0.0,
 out: 0.0,
 players: 0,
 uptime: 895,
 users: 0


HexDocs at https://hexdocs.pm/hlds_rcon.