The Biomechanics of the Dipteran Wing Hinge Supplementary Videos
This repository contains a number of videos which accompany my thesis entitled 'The Biomechanics of the Dipteran Wing Hinge'.
All videos uploaded here are the work and property of Jonathan Page.
A magnified image of a Calliphora vicina wing hinge, highlighting various components in colour throughout the wingbeat. The video begins at the start of the downstroke, and the radial stop and pleural wing process engage in a gear 2 interaction towards the end of the downstroke. Radial stop - blue; Radial vein - green; Pleural wing process - red; Pterale C - yellow; anterior is to the right.
A magnified image of a C. vicina wing hinge, illustrating a gear 1 RS-PWP interaction. The region of interest is highlighted in a brightened area. Anterior is to the right.
A magnified image of a C. vicina wing hinge, illustrating a gear 2 RS-PWP interaction. The region of interest is highlighted in a brightened area. Anterior is to the right.
A magnified image of a C. vicina wing hinge, illustrating a gear 3 RS-PWP interaction. The region of interest is highlighted in a brightened area. Anterior is to the right.
A magnified image of a C. vicina wing hinge, illustrating a gear 2 RS-PWP interaction at the beginning of the upstroke. The region of interest is highlighted in a brightened area. Anterior is to the right.
A magnified image of a Eristalis tenax wing hinge, illustrating a gear 1 RS-PWP interaction at the beginning of the upstroke. The region of interest is highlighted in a brightened area and certain components are highlighted in colour at the start of the video. Radial stop - blue; Radial vein - green; Pleural wing process - red; Pterale C - yellow; anterior is to the right.
A magnified image of a E. tenax wing hinge, illustrating a gear 1 RS-PWP interaction at the beginning of the upstroke. The region of interest is highlighted in a brightened area and certain components are highlighted in colour at the start of the video. Radial stop - blue; Radial vein - green; Pleural wing process - red; Pterale C - yellow; anterior is to the right.
A magnified image of a C. vicina wing hinge, illustrating RS-PtC interaction, and movement of the PtC independently of the surrounding wing hinge. The region of interest is highlighted in a brightened area.
A series of time-resolved microCT images demonstrating the kinematics of the I1 (red) and I2 (green) muscle-tendon complexes. The surrounding area of the thorax has been removed to visualise these muscles from an interior viewpoint (i.e. looking towards the wing hinge from the inside of the insect). The right-hand wing of the insect can also be seen in the background. Note the tendon buckling exhibited by both muscles at the start of the downstroke and end of the upstroke.