
A command handler that complements Hikari.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


A command handler that complements Hikari. <3

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Still in early development. See the TODO list.


Getting started with Yami

Stable release

pip install yami


pip install git+https://github.com/Jonxslays/Yami.git

Creating a Bot

import asyncio
import datetime
import functools
import os
import typing

import hikari
import yami

bot = yami.Bot(os.environ["TOKEN"], prefix="$")

# Can only be run in guilds.
@bot.command("add", "Adds 2 numbers", aliases=["sum"])
async def add_cmd(ctx: yami.MessageContext, num1: int, num2: int) -> None:
    # Basic builtin python types are converted for you using their type
    # hints (int, float, bool, complex, bytes). More types coming soon™.
    await ctx.respond(f"The sum is {num1 + num2}")

# Can only be run by members with one of these roles.
@yami.has_any_role("Admin", "Fibonacci")
@bot.command("fibonacci", aliases=("fib",))
async def fibonacci(ctx: yami.MessageContext, num: int) -> None:
    """Calculates the num'th term in the fibonacci sequence."""
    calc: typing.Callable[[int], int] = functools.lru_cache(
        lambda n: n if n < 2 else calc(n - 1) + calc(n - 2)

    # Though we cache the function call, let's simulate thinking.
    async with ctx.trigger_typing():
        await asyncio.sleep(0.75)

    # Make a pretty embed.
    await ctx.respond(
            title=f"Fibonacci calculator",
        .set_footer(f"Term {num}")
            name=(author := ctx.author).username,
            icon=author.avatar_url or author.default_avatar_url,

if __name__ == "__main__":


✔️ Complete
  • CI
  • Testing (WIP)
  • Fully typed
  • Bot
  • Message Commands
  • Message Subcommands
  • Message Context
  • Modules
  • Exceptions (WIP)
  • Checks (WIP)
  • Basic arg parsing (builtin types)
  • Docs
  • Events (Mostly)
❌ Incomplete
  • Module listeners
  • Hooks?
  • Slash Commands
  • Slash Context
  • Converters (WIP)
  • Utils (WIP)
  • Full blown arg parsing (hikari types)
  • QOL methods (WIP)
  • Logging (WIP)


Yami is open to contributions. To get started check out the contributing guide.


Yami is licensed under the GPLV3 license.