An optional component handler for hikari, inspired by's views.
To install miru, run the following command:
python3 -m pip install -U hikari-miru
To check if miru has successfully installed or not, run the following:
python3 -m miru
import hikari
import miru
class MyView(miru.View):
@miru.button(label="Rock", emoji=chr(129704), style=hikari.ButtonStyle.PRIMARY)
async def rock_button(self, button: miru.Button, ctx: miru.Context) -> None:
await ctx.respond("Paper!")
@miru.button(label="Paper", emoji=chr(128220), style=hikari.ButtonStyle.PRIMARY)
async def paper_button(self, button: miru.Button, ctx: miru.Context) -> None:
await ctx.respond("Scissors!")
@miru.button(label="Scissors", emoji=chr(9986), style=hikari.ButtonStyle.PRIMARY)
async def scissors_button(self, button: miru.Button, ctx: miru.Context):
await ctx.respond("Rock!")
@miru.button(emoji=chr(9209), style=hikari.ButtonStyle.DANGER, row=2)
async def stop_button(self, button: miru.Button, ctx: miru.Context):
self.stop() # Stop listening for interactions
bot = hikari.GatewayBot(token="...")
async def buttons(event: hikari.GuildMessageCreateEvent) -> None:
if event.is_bot or not event.content:
if event.content.startswith("miru"):
view = MyView(timeout=60) # Create a new view
message = await event.message.respond("Rock Paper Scissors!",
view.start(message) # Start listening for interactions
await view.wait() # Wait until the view times out or gets stopped
await event.message.respond("Thank you for playing!")
For more examples see examples, or refer to the documentation.
For general usage help or questions, see the #miru
channel in the hikari discord, if you have found a bug or have a feature request, feel free to open an issue!
If you wish to contribute, be sure to first enable the formatting pre-commit hook via git config core.hooksPath .githooks
, then make your changes. Also make sure to run nox before pushing your changes, and ensure all pipelines pass.