
Primary LanguageDockerfile


Setting up an OpenShift cluster is outside the scope of this document

  1. Set up Istio: Istio install doc
  2. Set up KNative Serving: Knative Serving install doc
  3. Install Cert Manager: Cert Manager install doc
  4. Install KServe:
kubectl apply -f https://github.com/kserve/kserve/releases/download/v0.10.0/kserve.yaml

Setting up Caikit

  1. Set up servingruntime

The following servingruntime configures caikit

oc apply -f caikit-servingruntime.yaml

Now you have the ability to create inference services for caikit format models

Converting Model Using Caikit-NLP

Caikit does not have the ability to load generic models, but they can be converted (mostly) from existing HuggingFace models

  1. Ensure git/git-lfs is installed
yum -y install git git-lfs
git lfs install
  1. Clone given model (note that the git repo for flan-t5-xl requires roughly 64Gb of storage)
git clone https://huggingface.co/google/flan-t5-xl
  • An alternative method that may be a bit smaller of a download
import transformers

pipeline = transformers.pipeline(model="google/flan-tf-xl")

# Model files will be under ~/.cache/huggingface
  1. Create virtualenv
python3 -m virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
  1. Clone caikit-nlp and install
git clone https://github.com/Xaenalt/caikit-nlp
pip install ./caikit-nlp
  1. Convert model
import caikit_nlp

base_model_path = "flan-t5-xl"
saved_model_path = "flan-t5-xl-caikit"

# This step imports the model into caikit_nlp and configures in caikit format
model = caikit_nlp.text_generation.TextGeneration.bootstrap(model_path)

# This saves the model out to disk in caikit format. It will consist of a directory with a config.yml and an artifacts directory

Inference with Caikit-Serving

  1. Create inferenceservice
# Edit the yaml to include the storage path of the caikit-format model

oc apply -f caikit-isvc.yaml
  1. Determine endpoint
oc get isvc

# Take note of the URL, it will be of the format: isvc-name.project.apps.cluster-name.openshiftapps.com
  1. Use gRPC to do inference
# -insecure because the cert is self-signed in this demo environment
# The header mm-model-id is the name of the model loaded in caikit, named the same as the directory the caikit model resides in

grpcurl -insecure -d '{"text": "At what temperature does liquid Nitrogen boil?"}' -H "mm-model-id: flan-t5-xl-caikit" isvc-name.project.apps.cluster-name.openshiftapps.com:443 caikit.runtime.Nlp.NlpService/TextGenerationTaskPredict

Output will be similar to (may not be identical, and like sample output may be incorrect):

  "generated_token_count": "20",
  "text": " The boiling point of Nitrogen is about -78.0°C, which is the boiling point of",
  "stop_reason": "MAX_TOKENS",
  "producer_id": {
    "name": "Text Generation",
    "version": "0.1.0"