
Let Homey control MusicBee media player for Windows

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Due to having to rewrite the app for Homey 2.0 and SDK2, I am discontinuing this app for now.

MusicBee Remote

Ok Homey! Play me something!

Control MusicBee with your Homey! This plugin allows you to send commands through the MusicBee Remote plugin by Kelsos. Uses devices so you can control multiple MusicBee instances!

You can:

  • Get track information such as artist, album, title, lyrics and more
  • Play/Pause/Stop music
  • Stop music after the current track has finishing playing
  • And trigger a flow when this happened
  • Play Next / Previous track
  • Change volume
  • Toggle repeat
  • Toggle shuffle and Auto DJ
  • Change track rating

You can not yet:

  • Start playlists
  • Get album art (as Base64 string or url)
  • Seek in track

I might add (if people actually use this app):

  • Search, queue and start tracks, artists and albums
  • Start music from url's
  • Transfer playlist content to variable or Homey playlist system
  • Trigger with track progress tags (so you can run your own timers with the Countdown app)

Flow cards explained


Track changed trigger

Triggers when track changes automatically or by skipping to the next track

Provides tags:

  • Track title
  • Artist name
  • Album name
  • Album year
  • Rating from 0-5 in 10 steps
  • Track lyrics
  • Track length in seconds

Playback state changed trigger

Triggers when playback has been paused, stopped or started

Provides tag:

  • State
  • Can be 'Playing', 'Paused' or 'Stopped'

Track rating changed trigger

Provides tag: Triggers when track rating has been changed

  • Rating from 0-5 in 10 steps

Volume changed trigger

Triggers when MusicBee volume has been changed (combines volume changes that happen less then 500ms appart)

Provides tag:

  • Volume from 0-100

Shuffle state changed trigger

Triggers when the MusicBee shuffle setting is changed

Provides tag:

  • State
  • Can be 'shuffle', 'off' or 'autodj'

Mute state changed trigger

Triggers when Mute is enabled or disabled. Also triggers when volume equals zero

Provides tag:

  • State
  • Can be 'true' or 'false'

Repeat state changed trigger

Triggers when MusicBee repeat setting is changed

Provides tag:

  • State
  • Can be 'All', 'One' or 'None'

MusicBee connected trigger

MusicBee disconnected trigger

Triggers when Homey gets connected or disconnected to MusicBee (e.g. you started or close MusicBee)

MusicBee 'stopped after current track' trigger

A special trigger card. Triggers when the 'Stop after current track' action card did his work. Triggers immediately when playback state is 'Paused' or 'Stopped' when the action card is executed.
Note: This card does not get triggered by the 'stop after current track' option in MusicBee itself!

Condition cards

MusicBee is active condition

Whether Homey has an active connection to MusicBee at the moment

Playback state condition

MusicBee is muted condition

Repeat state condition

Shuffle state condition

Action cards

Start playback action

Pause playback action

Toggle Play / Pause action

Stop playback action

Start playback after current track action

Stop playback but finish currently playing track first. Works together with the 'stopped after current track' trigger card. Changing playback position in a track or changing track is taken into account. After the new track is finished, playback will still stop. To cancel this state, execute the 'Play' action card. Hitting 'Play' in MusicBee or the MusicBee Remote Android app does not cancel this state!
Note: Does not touch the 'stop after current track' option in MusicBee itself! They might bite :)

Play next track action

Play previous action

Set rating action

Set shuffle mode action

set repeat mode action

The MusicBee Remote plugin currently does not support setting repeat to 'One'.


V1.0 - 2016-10-20

  • Enjoy :)