
PLEASE put it in the JED!

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Our interaction in the Joomla CMS issues list reminded me of a request I wanted to make (and have made in the Joomla forums, but I don't think you saw it).

Having com_ajax in 3.x is great - but not having it in 2.5 makes things difficult when considering rewriting some of my extensions to use it. I'd love to use it, but I don't want to have 2 separate versions - one for 3.x using com_ajax and another for 2.5 using a shoehorned method.

I just don't think users will install from github as readily as they will from a link in the JED.

If you can put this in the JED, I can rewrite my extensions to use it and require 2.5 users to install your extension first.

Please consider it.

@betweenbrain it's a good call. I'd support it!


That was easy. I may as well start rewriting now!

I've started a rewrite of my most popular extension. I hope to give the first of many 5 star reviews when this hits the JED.

Should I close this? It isn't really a proper issue (thanks for indulging me though)

That would be great for you to be the first 5 star review.

Please keep this issue open. One of us will close it when it has been


Matt Thomas

Sent from mobile. Please pardon any typos or brevity.
On May 12, 2014 12:14 AM, "stutteringp0et" wrote:

I've started a rewrite of my most popular extension. I hope to give the
first of many 5 star reviews when this hits the JED.

Should I close this? It isn't really a proper issue (thanks for indulging
me though)

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I have submitted it to the JED and will keep this issue updated on the progress.