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Square UnBoxed Hackathon - Tournament feature extension

Repository for creating the tournament feature extension for Square's base ecosystem.

General Housekeeping

To ensure all of our code works well and does not cluster and corrup things, here are a few rules which will be implemented to the repo: (These are also good practises anyway so try and follow them!)

Creating Branches

If you want to work on a feature, please create a repository with your initials and the feature that is to be implemented. E.g. git checkout -b jtan/awesome-feature

How to git: the definitive guide

Here's a rough checklist of what you should do with your branch whenever you're working on it:

  • Before work:
  1. git checkout main
  2. git pull
  3. git checkout your-initials/awesome-feature
  • When starting work: Remember to always commit! No need to push but be sure to push often so all of us can help and review the code!

Occasioanally, you would want to do the following:

  1. git fetch --all
  2. git rebase origin/main

This will keep your branch updated to the latest changes in main. This will prevent any merge conflicts (most of them anyway) from corrupting your branch. PLEASE do this. Once you have commited enough and want to push your changes do: 3. git push --force

If you do not and did a git pull it will try to merge what you have from the old log, apply the new features then update main with all those changes again! So be careful not to burn the git tree!

Note: the main branch will hereon out be protected and be the default branch for the entirety of this project sayeth the Lord (me, Joon)

About merging into main

Since we're aiming to win and don't want to rot code with some future commit, there will be protection rules for merging into main. If ANY feature is to be merged into main it must be both reviewed and approved before going in. We don't want premature merging which may break code.


Be sure to check the requirements to make sure you're on track on completing the tasks at hand!

Link: https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_lAeOMjM=/