
Primary LanguagePythonThe UnlicenseUnlicense


This program is designed to sync a Excel spreadsheet to your Google calendar. It uses colors to determine the appointment type (online, campus, exam or holiday). It is written specifically for Leiden University and will automatically use different times for Online and Campus appointments.

To use this software you need to create a Google Project. After this you need to enable the Calendar API. Finally download the credentials and put them in same directory as main.py, the file should be called credentials.json.

In main.py you should update the value of CALENDAR_ID to match your own Calendar, this can either be PRIMARY or another calendar specifified by something@group.calendar.google.com. To find the url of your calendar go to settings on Google Calendar. You should also specify a relative or absolute path to your Excel spreadsheet.

To sync your calendar run python main.py. This will parse the specified spreadsheet and upload the appointments to your Google calendar. If you make any changes in the spreadsheet just run the script again and it will update your Google calendar.

This project is currently not designed for ease of use. In the future it might become easier to configure and use. You should be aware that there might be bugs and so it is always recommended to let the script sync with a dedicated calendar. That case you can easily remove the calendar if anything gets really messed up without loosing anything else.