
Politags project built as part of the thesis project at Delft University of Technology

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Politags (Beta v0.2)

Current work is for Beta version (Mar 15th)

Code characteristics

  • Directories
    • app
      • commands
      • models
      • modules
    • tests
    • data_resources
  • Includes test framework (py.test and tox)
  • Includes database migration framework (alembic)

Setting up a development environment

Use Docker.

docker-compose build
docker-compose up


Copy the local_settings_example.py file to local_settings.py.

cp app/local_settings_example.py app/local_settings.py

Edit the local_settings.py file.

Initializing the Database

# Create DB using Alembic migrations:
python manage.py db upgrade
python manage.py init_kb

Ones you change something in the database, run:

python manage.py db migrate


python manage.py db upgrade

Running the app

# Start the Flask development web server
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose-dev.yml up

Point your web browser to http://localhost:5555/ for the app and http://localhost:9999/ for db adminer

# To access the bash in docker:
docker exec -it politags_web_1 bash

# To create the database in bash
python manage.py db migrate
python manage.py db upgrade
python manage.py init_db
python manage.py train_topic_clf

Running the automated tests

# Start the Flask development web server
py.test tests/

# Or if you have Fabric installed:
fab test