

jamie0911 opened this issue · 10 comments

Hi i recently posted and that got closed i have been on here can someone dumbing it down just because i am not that good at code please can you help and will u need my config file?

What's the trouble? You still not using the appropriate template format. They're there for a reason. Please use them.

I have.Im sorry im only a kid trying so hard i have been trying so hard but it wont work

If everything is installed correctly, you should enter your MagicMirror IP, like this

The exact url for you it's showed when you set a position to the Remote Control in your config file.

Over there, you should have a nice menu where you can do pretty much anything you can. Doesn't need too much of coding to get it up and running.

I have that installed so i can controll it from the menu but how do i add my own commands?

Using Custom Commands, you can see them over here:

Anyways, If you wanna hide or show modules, maybe you don't need custom commands at all. using the Edit View menu can do that. If you want to set multiple modules to show and hide at the same time, use Classes over here:

Do i just add config: {
classes: {
"Any Name You Want": {
hide: ["calendar"],
show: ["newsfeed"],
toggle: ["clock"],
"Another Name You Want": {
hide: ["newsfeed"],
show: ["calendar"],
to my config file

Inside the Remote Control module, yes.

Should be something like this:

    module: 'MMM-Remote-Control',
    position: 'bottom_left',
    config: {
        classes: {
            "name": {
                toggle: ["clock"]

With whatever you want to do

    module: 'MMM-Remote-Control',
    position: 'bottom_left',
    config: {
        classes: {
            "name": {
                toggle: ["clock"]
           "name2": {
                toggle: ["clock"]
           "name3": {
                toggle: ["clock"]

Seems to be resolved, please reopen it if you need more help. Cheers :D