
Magic Mirror Module that displays temperature/humidity readings from DHT22 sensor connected via GPIO pin

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Magic Mirror Module that displays temperature/humidity readings from DHT22 sensor connected via GPIO pin


  • tested only on MagicMirror v2.0.0
  • a DHT22 temperature/humidity sensor connected to a GPIO of your Raspberry Pi
  • working installation of DHT22 utility - see https://github.com/nebulx29/dht22

Download and Installation

To use this module, clone this repository to your modules folder of your MagicMirror: git clone https://github.com/nebulx29/MMM-dht22


The module needs the default configuration block in your config.js to work.

	module: 'MMM-dht22',
	position: 'bottom_left',                    // the location where the module should be displayed
	classes: 'small dimmed',
	config: {
		header: 'DHT22 Sensor',                 // name to be displayed in the module
		tempUnit: 'celsius',                    // alternatively use  'fahrenheit'
		dht22gpio: 22,                          // gpio pin that the sensor is connected to
		dht22util: 'sudo /home/pi/bin/dht22',   // path to the dht22 utility
		updateInterval: 10000,                  // interval in ms to read the sesor
		animationSpeed: 0                      // animation speed

The following properties can be configured:

Option Description Values Default
header The name that should be displayed at the top of the module
Example: header: 'DHT22 sensor'
String 'DHT22 Sensor'
tempUnit This can be either 'celsius' or 'fahrenheit'.
'celsius' or 'fahrenheit' 'celsius'
dht22gpio The GPIO pin (wiringPi numbering) that the DHT22 sensor is connected to.
Example: dht22gpio: 22
int 22
dht22util Valid path to where the DHT22 is installed
Example: dht22util: 'sudo /home/pi/bin/dht22'
String 'sudo /home/pi/bin/dht22'
updateInterval The update interval. Determines the refresh rate in ms at which sensor is read.
Example: updateInterval: 10000
int 10000
animationSpeed Speed of animation when updates occur.
Example: animationSpeed: 0
int 0