
Research Practicum 2022/2023

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT


Coverage Status Test package Project Status: Abandoned – Initial development has started, but there has not yet been a stable, usable release; the project has been abandoned and the author(s) do not intend on continuing development.

Research Practicum 2023

Bachelor Natuur- en Sterrenkunde (joint degree)


prof. A.P. Colijn A.P.Colijn@uva.nl

J. Angevaare j.angevaare@nikhef.nl

How to get started?

  • git clone https://github.com/jorana/RP2023.git on the command line if you are familiar with git, or alternatively, download ZIP (by clicking green 'Clone or download' button and selecting) and unzip.
  • We assume you have python 3 installed, preferably in an Anaconda environment. As a bare minimum you'll have to have jupyter installed.
  • After that you can get started! As the name suggests 00_getting_sta:qrted is the place to be. There you'll find a notebook with essential information on how to get started (aptly called 0. before_you_get_started). Don't miss:
  • From thereon you can continue with the other notebooks that are numbered and we advise you to go through in ascending order.

Help I'm stuck; how to ask questions?

Normally we'd be around for you to ask questions, but this is unfortunately not possible. This however shouldn't be a threshold for you to ask questions if you are stuck. You can either email the supervises as detailed above. We can also organize a zoom session whenever needed.

Downloading data

Some of the folders require more data than we can upload to github. The supervisors will provide a link wherefrom students can download additional data. The link is: this link, you can extract the files from there and move the extracted files to the datarepository.

Structure of this package

Below one can find a list of all the folders in this repository. Some of these folders are meant for the students (most of them actually) whereas some of the folders are meant for the supervisors in order to allow easy acces to the data.

Folder Function
00_getting_started Getting students started
01_coincidence_measurements First level of analysis for students
02_future_work List of possible next steps
98_stoomboot_data_access Scripts for making data available for supervisors (not the students)
99_python_cheat_sheet Helper functions for students to get started with python
data Looks a lot like a folder to store data, right?
RP2023 Core functions for this project