PASS API security


Retrieving data from the PASS REST API requires an API key provided by the PASS application. A PASS API Key is related to a specific PASS organisation. Additonally a PASS API Key can be configured for specific "pas soorten".

The Aanbod service only requires an API Key. Other services require an AccessToken or a PasswordToken. Please see API Tokens for more information.

API Tokens

An API AccessToken is required for a pashouder user to be able to get data from or post data to any of the services avaiable to a pashouder by providing an Authorization bearer header. See service /token/v1/login for more information on how to acquire a token for a pashouder.

Once a valid token has been acquired - the Authorization header can be formed as folows: "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}".

An AccessToken is valid for a specific period of time. Every time an AccessToken is succesfully used, the expiry date/time of the token is set to the maximum days configured in the API configuration.

API AppBearer

A different type of authorization is possible using an AppBearer Authorization header. If a specific API key has been configured to allow this kind of authorization - it is possible to use Token based operations using a specific AppBearer. The AppBearer contains the API Key and a specific client number. The client number is used to create a specific context in which services are called.

The format of this type of Authorization header is as folows "Authorization: AppBearer {api_key},{client_number}" - where the {api_key} and {client_number} are separated by a comma.

API Services Operations

Service URI Method Description
Aanbod /aanbod/v1/aanbiedingen GET retrieve a list of aanbiedingen
Aanbod /aanbod/v1/aanbiedingen/:id GET retrieve a single aanbieding by id
Aanbod /aanbod/v1/activiteiten GET retrieve a list of activiteiten
Aanbod /aanbod/v1/activiteiten/:id GET retrieve a single activiteit by id
Aanbod /aanbod/v1/aanbiederactiviteiten GET retrieve a list of aanbiederactiviteiten
Aanbod /aanbod/v1/aanbiederactiviteiten/:id GET retrieve a single aanbiederactiviteit by id
Aanvragen /aanvragen/v2/pasaanvraag POST initiate a new pasaanvraag
Aanvragen /aanvragen/v2/pasaanvraag/{uuid} POST update an existing pasaanvraag
Aanvragen /aanvragen/v2/pasaanvraag/{uuid} GET retrieve a pasaanvraag
Aanvragen /aanvragen/v2/document/{uuid} POST upload binary content for document
Aanvragen /aanvragen/v2/boaaanvraag POST initiate a new boa aanvraag
Aanvragen /aanvragen/v2/boaupdate POST webhook updat for boaaanvraag
DataAPI /data/v1/fulfilment POST add fulfilment data
Sales /sales/v1/pashouder GET retrieve a single pashouder by token
Sales /sales/v1/pashouder POST update pashouder by token
Sales /sales/v1/registerpashouder POST register pashouder to account
Sales /sales/v1/pas GET retrieve pas details by pasnummer
Sales /sales/v1/togglepas POST toggle pas status (block/unblock)
Sales /sales/v1/activatebudget POST activate budgets on pas
Sales /sales/v1/checkactivepas POST check for active and valid pa
Token /token/v1/login POST login using Basic authentication and return an AccessToken
Token /token/v1/login DELETE logout using Bearer authentication and expiring the AccessToken
Token /token/v1/refresh POST refresh the given AccessToken expiry date
Token /token/v1/passwordtoken GET retrieve a password token by login_name
Token /token/v1/changepassword POST change password for pashouder related to provided PasswordToken
Transacties /transactions/v1/aanbiedingen GET retrieve transactions for aanbiedingen for pashouder
Transacties /transactions/v1/budget GET retrieve transactions for budgetten for pashouder