
Python stock tracker

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

StockTracker Project - API

Ruff linting CodeQL Pytest

CodeFactor codecov

Maintained License Issues

The target of this project is to get data about your stock portfolio and make this viewable in a web application.

To see what's being worked on check out the project board.

Related repos

The project consists of three repositories:

Name Notes Language
API This repo which will be used to gather data Python
Frontend Frontend repo which will create the website React
Infrastructure Code to deploy all resources to Azure Bicep

Table of contents


This project makes use of the Alpha vantage API and clearbit API.



Azure environment

For the azure environment you can either use the One time deployment or the Pipeline deployment

One time deployment

  • Run the deployment by clicking Here.
  • I'd recommend not changing any of the default values. But you can if you want to.

Pipeline deployment

  • Fork the Stocktracker Repo
  • You can remove the bicep-build.yml file as this is only used to create a gist for the one time deployment.
  • Setup the workflow secrets as defined below:
Name Value
AZURE_CREDENTIALS I'm not sure anymore but it has something to do with the azure/login@v1 action : )
AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION Your Azure subscription ID
SWA_REPO_TOKEN The PAT token you generated

local development environment

  • Install the azure cosmosDB emulator
  • Install Azurite: npm install -g azurite
  • Install static web apps cli: npm install -g @azure/static-web-apps-cli
  • Setup a .env file in the stocktracker root with the values below
Name Notes Example
COSMOSDB_ENDPOINT < Link to your database> https://localhost:8081
COSMOSDB_KEY < CosmosDB Access key > A1B2C3
COSMOSDB_DATABASE < CosmosDB Database name> stocktracker
COSMOSDB_OFFER_THROUGHPUT < CosmosDB Throughput > 1000
  • Startup the API running the task func host start
  • run the command swa start http://localhost:8080 --run "yarn run dev" --api-location http://localhost:7071 to start the website and SWA endpoint.
  • Go to the website http://localhost:4280/ and Login to the website. make sure you give yourself the admin role.


  • Go to /authenticated/settings Account page and add your api keys.
  • Add data in /authenticated/actions
  • Refresh the data by going to /authenticated/settings and clicking the refresh data button.
  • After it has finished you can view the data

Azure Functions

All Azure functions available in the api.



Method URL Usage
POST {{base_url}}/orchestrator/start Function will start an orchestrator
Query parameters
Param Allowed values Required
functionName stocktracker_orchestrator true
daysToUpdate all | int true


Method URL Usage
GET {{base_url}}/orchestrator/list Function will list orchestrators
Query parameters
Param Allowed values Required
days int true


Method URL Usage
DELETE {{base_url}}/orchestrator/purge Function will purge orchestrator
Query parameters
Param Allowed values Required
instanceId string true


Method URL Usage
POST {{base_url}}/orchestrator/terminate Function will terminate orchestrator
Query parameters
Param Allowed values Required
instanceId string true



Method URL Usage
GET {{base_url}}/chart/bar Function will get data for barcharts
Query parameters
Param Allowed values Required
allData boolean false
startDate yyyy-mm-dd false
endDate yyyy-mm-dd false
dataType dividend | transaction_cost true

If allData is true then startDate and endDate can not be set. If allData is false then startDate and endDate must be set.


Method URL Usage
GET {{base_url}}/chart/line Function will get data for linecharts
Query parameters
Param Allowed values Required
allData boolean false
startDate yyyy-mm-dd false
endDate yyyy-mm-dd false
dataType invested_and_value | total_gains true

If allData is true then startDate and endDate can not be set. If allData is false then startDate and endDate must be set.


Method URL Usage
GET {{base_url}}/chart/pie Function will get data for piecharts
Query parameters
Param Allowed values Required
dataType stocks | currency | country | sector true



Method URL Usage
POST {{base_url}}/input/delete Function will delete a list of items in the input containers

Body needs to confirm to the stock_input or transaction_input in the schema file.


Method URL content-type Usage
POST {{base_url}}/input/add json Function will add item to input

Body needs to confirm to the stock_input or transaction_input in the schema file.



Method URL Usage
GET {{base_url}}/table/basic Function will get data used by tables
Query parameters
Param Allowed values Required
containerName input_invested | input_transactions | stocks_held" true
andOr and | or false
fullyRealized Boolean false
partialRealized Boolean false
symbol string false


Method URL Usage
GET {{base_url}}/table/performance Function will get data used by tables
Query parameters
Param Allowed values Required
allData boolean false
startDate yyyy-mm-dd false
endDate yyyy-mm-dd false
containerName stocks_held | totals true

If allData is true then startDate and endDate can not be set. If allData is false then startDate and endDate must be set.



Method URL Usage
POST {{base_url}}/user/add Function will update user data

Body needs to confirm to the user_data schema in the schema file.


Method URL Usage
GET {{base_url}}/user/get Function will get user data

Main stocktracker function

Function Usage Link and options
stocktracker_orchestrator Function will get all the data from the input tables and use this to create the output data. This will then be outputted to the CosmosDB. /api/orchestrators/stocktracker_orchestrator/{days_to_update}

Function will get all the data from the input tables and use this to create the output data. This will then be outputted to the CosmosDB.

functions diagram

Azure Functions

graph generated by az-func-as-a-graph