
Robot sphérique capable de rouler dans toutes les directions

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

⚽🤖 SuperBall MKII

A rolling sphere

! Work in progress !

Goal here

Making the ball roll in every direction giving by the remote whatever the orientation of the robot inside and keeping his balance when doing so.

For that i'm using an IMU (BNO055) and the two motors have encoded wheel. The remote use an 2.4GHz emitter (nRF24) to communicate.

Arduino IDE

** Upload Settings ** Board: "Arduino Nano" Processor: "ATmega328P"


Flash with esptool

Download the latest release. I'm using esp-link v3.0.14-g963ffbb

tips : Open terminal and type: ls /dev/tty.* to find the port number

esptool.py --port /dev/tty.wchusbserial14130 --baud 230400 write_flash -fs 32m -ff 80m \
    0x00000 boot_v1.7.bin 0x1000 user1.bin \
    0x3FC000 esp_init_data_default.bin 0x3FE000 blank.bin

for more infos see esp-link

Connect to arduino

  • RX: connect to TX of microcontroller
  • TX: connect to RX of microcontroller
  • GND: connect to GND of microcontroller

Flash with Arduino IDE

Important ! set the right upload speed in esp-link. uC Console -> Baud: 115200

Option 1

Go to /Applications/Arduino.app/Contents/Java/hardware/arduino/avr/ Add this to your programmers.txt file:

esplink.name=esp-link 2032
esplink.program.extra_params= -P net:  -b{upload.speed}

esplink23.program.extra_params= -P net:  -b{upload.speed}

use ip of esp-link and just use upload with programmer esp-link.


In Arduino IDE don't select network port and une use upload with programmer esp-link to burn the file

Option 2

Remember to use a recent version of Arduino IDE and to set mDNS sevice name to "arduino" in esp-link... if you do not change the service name it will not show up as a "Network Port" in the Arduino IDE.

ESP-LINK web-server

see dac WEB-SERVER.md

To Enable SLIP in the esp-link UI REST/MQTT -> Enable SLIP on serial port and reboot everything.


list port osx ls /dev/tty*



To generate valid calibration data, the following criteria should be met:

  • Gyroscope: The device must be standing still in any position
  • Magnetometer: In the past 'figure 8' motions were required in 3 dimensions, but with recent devices fast magnetic compensation takes place with sufficient normal movement of the device
  • Accelerometer: The BNO055 must be placed in 6 standing positions for +X, -X, +Y, -Y, +Z and -Z. This is the most onerous sensor to calibrate, but the best solution to generate the calibration data is to find a block of wood or similar object, and place the sensor on each of the 6 'faces' of the block, which will help to maintain sensor alignment during the calibration process. You should still be able to get reasonable quality data from the BNO055, however, even if the accelerometer isn't entirely or perfectly calibrated.

Electronics Remote

(Arduino Uno/Diecimila/Duemilanove)

OLED SSD1306 128X32
- GND -> GND
- VCC -> 5v
- SCL -> A5
- SDA -> A4

Electronics Robot

(Arduino Uno/Diecimila/Duemilanove)

- Arduino NANO V3
- nRF24 l01 PA LNA
- BNO055
- L298N
- Motor 19:1 Metal Gearmotor 37Dx68L 12V 540 RPM
  Vitesse de rotation: 12 V	530 RPM, 200 mA	8.5 kg⋅cm (120 oz⋅in), 5.5 A
  1200 counts per revolution
  18.75:1 metal gearbox

Connections you will need.

* MOTOR 1 RED    -> L298N OUT1
* MOTOR 1 BLACK  -> L298N OUT2
* MOTOR 1 BLUE   -> VCC (3.5 – 20 V) -> 5v
* MOTOR 1 YELLOW -> encoder A output -> INT1/3
* MOTOR 1 WHITE  -> encoder B output -> A3/17

* MOTOR 2 RED    -> L298N OUT4
* MOTOR 2 BLACK  -> L298N OUT3
* MOTOR 2 BLUE   -> VCC (3.5 – 20 V) -> 5v
* MOTOR 2 YELLOW -> encoder A output -> INT0/2
* MOTOR 2 WHITE  -> encoder B output -> A0/14

* L298N +12v -> BATT +
* L298N GND  -> BATT - & Arduino GND
* L298N +5v  -> Arduino 5v
* L298N ENA -> 5
* L298N IN1 -> 4
* L298N IN2 -> 7
* L298N IN3 -> 8
* L298N IN4 -> A1/15
* L298N ENB -> 6

* RF24 GND -> GND & 10uf cap GND
* RF24 VCC -> +3.3v & 10uf cap +
* RF24 CE  -> 9
* RF24 CSN -> 10
* RF24 SCK -> 13
* RF24 MOSI -> 11
* RF24 MISO -> 12

* BNO055 VIN -> 5v
* BNO055 GND -> GND
* BNO055 SDA -> A4
* BNO055 SCL -> A5

* BATT + -> 100K resistor -> A6 -> 10K resistor + (parallel 100nf cap) -> GND

* LED Data in -> A2


Tune PID motor encoder position No load:

  | Ok   | Good
P | 15   | 40
I | 2.5  | 2.5
D | 3000 | 5000

👍 Inspired by some nice project on the internet

nRF24-Esk8-Remote by @SolidGeek

Arduino voltage divider 0V to 30V

James Bruton Star Wars BB-8 V3 series

Matt Denton Droid Build D-O

Encoded motor

❤️ Thanks for your support

@spectre, Antony, Mom & Dad