
a redo of the django todo app adding in all the features i've learnt over the past few weeks (Custom User Model, Authorization permissions as well as Authentication)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

modified version of my initial Todo django app incorporating authentication, authorization with both dispath function modification as well as get_queryset sunction modification and some styling with django-tailwind

check it out here https://djtodov2.herokuapp.com/

to run on your local machine change directory to your preferred directory then:

1. git clone https://github.com/Jordan-Rob/django-todoV2.git

since im using pipenv( incase you dont have it simply install it with pip with command: pip install pipenv)

create a virtual enviroment as well as install requirements run command:

2. pipenv install

activate virtual environment with:

3. pipenv shell

then finally

4. py manage.py runserver

to run in your browser