
This is our team's source code submission for CZ4013 Distributed Systems. It is written in C++, and developed on Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS virtual machines provided courtesy of SCSE's IT office.

Getting Started

├──                   // Describes the contents in this folder
├── Makefile                    // Commands to compile and link program
├── bin                         // Executables for this program
├── docs                        // Documentation of this program
├── include                     // Header files
├── obj                         // Compiled objects
├── src                         // Source code files
├── ClientCache                 // Files will be stored here temporarily on client side
└── ServerRemoteFileAccess      // Mounted directory on server side for remote file access


As this is a project on distributed systems, we will require one machine for the server and at least one machine for the clients.

The build tools make and g++ must be installed to compile this program. Note that these tools are specific to Linux distributions.

To install these tools:

sudo apt-get install build-essential


To compile this program, run:


To recompile the program, first clear the existing objects and executables by running:

make clean

And then compiling:



After compilation, two executables ConsoleApp and RFAsrv will be produced, and they are to be executed on the client and server side respectively.


The client program requires several flags:

  • f: Freshness interval in milliseconds
  • s: IPv4 address of server to send requests to
  • sp: Port of server to send requests to
  • cp: Port of client to receive responses from
  • debug: Option to print out debugging output (1 for yes, 0 for no)

To run the program:

./bin/ConsoleApp -f xxx -s -sp xxxx -cp xxxx -debug x


The server program requires several flags:

  • rmi: Remote method invocation scheme (0 for at least once, 1 for at most once)
  • sp: Port of server to receive requests from
  • slr: Packet loss rate at sending end (out of 100)
  • rlr: Packet loss rate at receiving end (out of 100)

To run the program:

./bin/RFAsrv -rmi x -slr x -rlr x -sp xxxx


  • Tan Chye Hong, Jordan (U1722016G)
  • Er Jia Chin (U1722575L)
  • Lee Chong Yan (U1721687G)