Test Subject 404



Browser meeting these minimum version requirements:

  • Chrome 56+
  • Firefox 51+
  • Edge 79+
  • Opera 43+

Device meeting the following requirements:

  • Mouse
  • Keyboard (QWERTY)
  • Speakers
  • Display with a resolution greater than 1280 by 720 pixels
  • Graphics and central processor capable of running modern 3D games
  • Internet connectivity


You suddenly find yourself in a mysterious field, and after exploring some nearby portals realize that your only chance at salvation is to beat the challenges set out before you!


The audience includes all age groups so long as the individual has the ability to perform fine motor movement of both their right and left hand for movement and camera controls respectively. Additionally while the general objective of the game is relatively self explanatory for people familiar with the 3D (or even 2D) platforming genre a knowledge of English would be required to understand the written aspects of the UI.


This game is a 3D platformer that leans towards the collecathon side of that genre. Your goal is to beat each level by collecting the required number of stars but throughout the platforming challenges of each level you will fine numerous gems that reward a more thurough exploration of each level.



The theme of this game is that of a vaugely surreal expereince on part of being canonically in a cirtual world. There are cracks in the level and other elements that are clearly unnatural to fit in with this aestethic.


Your goals as you play through are potentially 3 fold depending on the style of play prefered by the player. The only striclty mandatory objective is the collection of a specified number of stars in each level. However throughout the level there are gems that reward additional score in addition to a time bonus depending on how quickly the level is beaten. To this end focusing on speed, score, completion, or some combination there of are valid and supported ways to play the game.


As the player you can jump (Space), move (W,A,S,D), and sprint (Shift). These movement options provide a veritile set to take on the presented platforming challenges.

There are several types of platforms that the player will encounter. There are normal platforms that the player can stand on. There are rotating platforms that the player can only stand on when they are relatively horizontal otherwise the player will fall off. There are ramps which provide elavations changes at a fixed incline. There are elavator platforms which raise the player up to a platform they would otherwise be unable to reach and this allows for more verticality in levels. And there are shrinking platforms that after a short while of the player standing on them shrink and dissapear for a short while during which the player cannot stand on that location without falling.

Throughout the game there is a pleasent piece of background music playing to provide a nice transition in the moments between collecting gems, stars, and completing platforming challenges.

If a player leaves the game area, falls off the level, touches the glowing orange lava-like floor, or runs out of time then the player will die and start the level over again.

Each level has a set time limit to increase the stakes in completing the platforming and collecting the required stars.

There are 3 types of gems, red, green and blue, that each reward the player different amounts of points. Red reward the least and are the easiest to collect. Green reward a medium amount of points and as such reward a moderate amount of points. And finally there are blue gems which reward a significant amount of points and a generally quite challenging the collect in order to incentivise taking on the platforming challenges to collect them. Each gem when collected makes a sound to reinforce to the player that they are doing something good and encouraging them to collect more.

Finally there are stars. In each level there is a set number of stars that the player must collect in order to complete the level and unlock the next portal. These stars play a pleasent sound when collected that is different to the sound played by the gems.


The unique combination of challenging platforming challenges, verticality, and numerous collectables all in a strange virtual world make for a compelling experience and rewarding gameplay.