
A brief demo of how a Spring Boot application to determine shipping eligibility might work.

Primary LanguageJava

Shipping Eligibility Project Demo


Welcome to my quick demo of the shipping eligibility project! This application operates as a proof-of-concept Spring Boot application for determining the eligibility of a given item for a new shipping service being rolled out. Enjoy!


The setup here is pretty OS-agnostic - it involves the use of two separate docker containers: one for the MySQL database used by the Spring Boot application, and one for the Spring Boot application itself (bundled up into a single JAR file). They can interact with each other directly from container to container, so there's no need for additional gathering of dependencies on your end.

  • You're going to need to have Docker installed on your local machine.
  • That's it!

Getting Started


Installation and subsequent spin-up of this program is pretty straightforward.

  • Install Docker, if you haven't already.
  • Clone this entire repository, or download the ZIP itself to your machine.
  • Once downloaded, simply run ./start.sh from the root of the project.
  • Congratulations! The shipping-eligibility API is now up and running, listening on port 3314 on your local machine.

If you should experience any downtime or crashes for whatever reason, simply run ./restart.sh to get everything back to fully functional again.

API Details

There are 5 APIs total available within this Spring Boot application - one indicates to the end user whether or not a given item is eligible for our new shipping program, and the others allow for various administrative configurations around the guidelines of said program. The details are as follows:

GET /item/isValid

  • Description: Indicate whether or not a listing item is eligible for the new shipping program.
  • Query Parameters:
    • title (required)
    • seller (required)
    • category (required)
    • price (required)

POST /admin/categoryApproval

  • Description: Specify categories (both existing and brand new) that should be made eligible for the new shipping program.
  • Query Parameters:
    • category (required)

DELETE /admin/categoryApproval

  • Description: Specify categories (both existing and brand new) that should be removed from eligibility for the new shipping program.
  • Query Parameters:
    • category (required)

POST /admin/userEnrollment

  • Description: Specify sellers (both existing and brand new) that should be removed from eligibility for the new shipping program.
  • Query Parameters:
    • name (required)

DELETE /admin/userEnrollment

  • Description: Specify sellers (both existing and brand new) that should be removed from eligibility for the new shipping program.
  • Query Parameters:
    • name (required)


Instantiation and bootstrapping of this Spring Boot application inherently includes a number of seeders, so that there's some play data to work with starting out. However, the administrative APIs captured above should allow for easy addition/removal from of the data set available. Here are a couple examples you might consider trying out:

  • Check the eligibility of a given item for a given seller.
curl "localhost:3314/item/isValid?title=Television&seller=david&category=1&price=100"
  • Enroll a new seller into the shipping eligibility program.
curl -X POST "localhost:3314/admin/userEnrollment?name=james"
  • Check the eligibility of a given item with that same seller.
curl "localhost:3314/item/isValid?title=Television&seller=james&category=1&price=100"
  • Remove a category from eligibility with the shipping program.
curl -X DELETE "localhost:3314/admin/categoryApproval?category=1"
  • Check the eligibility of that same item with the updated category.
curl "localhost:3314/item/isValid?title=Television&seller=james&category=1&price=100"


As with any API, there's always room for improvement and expansion. If there's anything you'd like to see in here, do let me know and I'll see what I can do. Thanks for taking the time to check this out!