SqlHydra is a suite of NuGet packages for working with databases in F# including code generation tools and query expressions.
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Conditional where's, orderBy's, and thenBy's
#59 opened by sydsutton - 2
Unused table value on leftJoin
#104 opened by OnofreTZK - 3
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Add support in SqlHydra CLI for mySQL
#100 opened by RJSonnenberg - 3
NoWarn 3391
#97 opened by RicoSaupeBosch - 2
Provider DB Type Attributes created even when provider_db_type_attributes is set to false
#102 opened by bnhoward - 3
System.InvalidOperationException: The input sequence has an insufficient number of elements.
#98 opened by RicoSaupe - 7
- 3
Support arrays
#99 opened by jwosty - 3
Query with `leftJoin` breaks in v2.5.0
#94 opened by stoft - 2
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Error after upgrading V2.5.0: 'Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpOption`1 is not a F# record type.
#92 opened by kgday - 8
Design patterns for DDD
#82 opened by nkosi23 - 8
SQL Server Temporal Tables Select Issue
#77 opened by nicholas-peterson - 22
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Custom pooling with SqlHydra
#89 opened by Swoorup - 1
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User Defined Functions/ Table Valued Functions
#43 opened by sydsutton - 2
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Support net8.0
#73 opened by EverybodyKurts - 2
Insert and Update Builders break when column name is the same as another table.
#79 opened by nicholas-peterson - 7
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Add documentation and setup configuration on how to clone the repo, build the project, and run tests.
#74 opened by EverybodyKurts - 0
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Filters for large databases
#62 opened by reaching-for-libra - 5
Missing oracle timestamp datatypes
#64 opened by reaching-for-libra - 4
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DateOnly/ TimeOnly Support
#58 opened by sydsutton - 4
Reading Option<byte[]> is broken
#57 opened by jwosty - 3
dotnet sqlhydra sqlite fails
#56 opened by AngelMunoz - 7
Using a where clause with leftJoin
#54 opened by sydsutton - 11
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Should CLI tools be consolidated into one?
#52 opened by JordanMarr - 8
How to use a correlated subquery?
#48 opened by ntwilson - 3
Autogenerated code infers wrong type
#50 opened by ntwilson - 29
Allow to generate the list of tables?
#45 opened by MangelMaxime - 8
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Add support for dotnet 7
#44 opened by EverybodyKurts - 3
Add Support for tuple in where clauses
#40 opened by Swoorup - 5