What's this ?

This is an HTTP log parser. It reads log lines in Common Log Format (CLF) and prints some useful statistics (top Hits, bandwidth) on stdout at regular intervals. It also print alerts on the console whenever certain thresholds are crossed.


Without Docker

go build .

With Docker

docker build -t monitor .


Without Docker

./monitor -logpath /var/log/nginx/access.log -alertThreshold 10

With Docker

docker run monitor:latest -logpath /tmp/access.log


go test -v ./...

Possible improvements on the overall solution

  • Use a real timeseries DB. Here I implemented an in-memory "data container" that is probably much slower and less efficient than a full blown TSDB. Beside, in-mem has no data persistance :) But I felt that using a 3rd party DB was cheating.
  • Though the code is structured as a pipeline, with each step executing in a goroutine, some steps could be parallelized (the readlines and parselines for instance), each executed in several goroutines.
  • The aggregation step is a bottleneck. We could shard the aggregation with one aggregator per sectionName but with need a "router" that routes the HTTP hit to a specific aggregator. Leveraging Kafka partitions and partitioning using the key sectionName would work.
  • The current design requires that logs are written to the log file in chronological order. That is, if line A is written before line B, then A must represent an HTTP hit that happened before the one corresponding to B. Kafka's semantic can help here too.