
Just a small project that scrapes the web for the presidents and their birthdays and drops that payload into a local json file.

How to run locally:

  • this is a node.js project so if you don't have node installed on your machine visit this site: https://nodejs.org/en/download/ and download the LTS version once installed you can verify by running the node -v command.
  • navigate to your workspace directory and clone this repo by typing git clone git@github.com:JordanRosas/web-scraping-with-cheerio.git in your terminal
  • cd web-scraping-with-cheerio && npm install
  • npm install -g json-server -> I have this installed globally (hence the -g argument) on my system but should be ok to install as a dev dependency by using npm install json-server --save-dev
  • open another terminal, navigate to the project directory and run the following command: json-server -w -p 5002 data.json -w is the watch command and -p specifies the port you want it to run on and lastly data.json is the file we are watching.
  • in your other terminal window just run the command node potus.js
  • after it is done running you should see all 46 presidents in the data.json file result should look like this:
            "name":"George Washington",
            "birthday": "1732-22-2",


I do reccomend poking around the code. Though it is pretty simple it is fun to see how all the pieces work together!