
Nashville Software School- Second sprint: Our team built an itinerary builder application. We worked with 4 external API's utilizing fetch requests. We also practiced modulating our code! Enjoy

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Welcome to Nashville!

Hi folks! This app will allow you to search for parks, foods, meet-ups, and concerts happening in the Nashville area.

With our app you can:

  • Search Nashville's parks by each of the park's features (i.e. dog parks, playgrounds, and more).
  • Search Nashville's restaurants by food type (i.e. burgers, tacos, and more).
  • Search Nashville's meet-ups by type (i.e. coding meet-ups, board game meet-ups, and more).
  • Search Nashville's concerts and events by type (i.e. football game, pop music, and more).

To Download and Use Our App:

  1. Clone our repo with the "Clone or download" button above this README (it will be on the right side of your screen).
  2. Copy the URL generated when the button is clicked.
  3. Open terminal.
  4. Type git clone and then paste the URL from step 2.
  5. Navigate into the "lib" folder
  6. Once in "lib" folder, type npm install
  7. Run grunt
  8. Copy the HTTP Server address that is generated with grunt (It should look something like: Running "http-server:dev" (http-server) task Server running on Hit CTRL-C to stop the server).
  9. After steps listed above are complete you should be ready to use our app! Thank you and Welcome To Nashville!

© Cyclones 2018

Asia Carter, Brittany Ramos-Janeway, Hunter Metts, Jordan Rosas, Megan Cruzen