
A Vue plugin for working with Solid

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Vue Solid Plugin

Project Solid NPM Package

A set of Vue plugins/components for making Solid app development easier.

Getting Started


Install the npm package

npm install --save vue-solid-plugin

Add it to your vue app

// main.js
import Vue from 'vue';
import App from './App.vue';
+ import {Solid, SolidLogin} from 'vue-solid-plugin';

+ Vue.use(Solid);
+ Vue.component('SolidLogin', SolidLogin);

new Vue({
  render: h => h(App),


This plugin does a few different things to help write good Solid applications.


  • a renderless component for making logging in easy called <SolidLogin>
  • pre-load user data (and other data with known subjects) new solid attribute when defining your component
  • loggedIn lifecycle hook, to run code after the user logs in
  • access to the solid-auth-client at this.$solid.auth
  • access to the query-ldflex api at this.$solid.data


A renderless component, providing an easy to use API for logging in/out of a Solid server. You provide the markup however you want to, using the data provided and calling the actions provided.

view src


<SolidLogin popupUri="/popup.html">
    <div slot-scope="{ initializing, login, logout, loggedIn, webId }">
        <button v-if="initializing">Loading...</button>
        <button v-else-if="loggedIn" @click="logout()" :title="webId">Log out</button>
        <button v-else @click="login()">Log In</button>

For more info about renderless components, check out this excellent article.


You provide the properties on the component itself, passing in data to the SolidLogin component

  • popupUri required: the uri to the popup html page for logging in. (Generate your own, or maybe grab solid.community's and serve it on your domain)


This info is given to you in the default slot scope. You can destructure the object, as in the example above.

  • initializing: true if the solid-auth-client has not checked for any login status yet (i.e. it's still initializing). Provide a loading gif or something
  • loggedIn: true if logged in, false otherwise
  • webId: the webId of the logged in person, or an empty string


These methods are given to you in the default slot scope. You can destructure the object, as in the example above.

  • login(): call this method when you want to invoke the login process (i.e. the popupUri)
  • logout(): call this method when you want to logout

Populating Data

If your component needs data from solid you can specify it in the definition of your component and the plugin will populate it asynchronously, providing your template access to it as if it were in data or computed.

You define where the data comes from (the subject) and what data pieces you want about that subject (the propeties). An exception to this is the user - for this you only need to define what data you want about the user, no need to specify the subject.

The properties you specify can be either a string or an _object.

  • String properties get resolved directly using the data available for the subject. They can be anything which query-ldflex understands: anything from their context, or any full url (e.g. https://schema.org/description)
  • Object properties let you populate data coming from the subject's Type Index. You must specify the type you're looking for, and what properties you care about on that type.
  <span class="user__name">{{ user.name }}</span>
  <span class="other__thing">{{ other.thing }}</span>
    <li v-for="bookmark in user.bookmarks">
      <a :href="bookmark.link">{{ bookmark.title }}</a>
export default {
  name: 'YourComponent',
  data: ...,
+  solid: {
+    user: { //user is sepcial, no need to specify a 'subject', just specify the data
+      name: 'name',
+      title: 'foaf:title',
+      bookmarks: {
+        'type': 'http://www.w3.org/2002/01/bookmark#Bookmark',
+        properties: {
+          link: "http://www.w3.org/2002/01/bookmark#recalls",
+          title: "terms:title",
+        },
+      },
+    },
+    other: {
+      subject: 'http://some-other-url.to#a-thing',
+      properties: { 
+        description: 'schema:description',
+        bookmarks: {
+          'type': 'http://www.w3.org/2002/01/bookmark#Bookmark',
+          properties: {
+            link: "http://www.w3.org/2002/01/bookmark#recalls",
+            title: "terms:title",
+          },
+        },
+      }
+    }
+  }

loggedIn lifecycle hook

This new lifecycle hook will execute after the user logs in and the solid data defined above have been populated.

One good use for this is to load arbitrary data which requires the user to be logged in. You can use the query-ldflex api for this, which is available at this.$solid.data.

  <span class="more-data">{{ moreData }}</span>
export default {
  name: 'YourComponent',
  data: {
    moreData: null, //initial value, will populate when the user logs in
  solid: {...},
  async loggedIn() {
    this.moreData = await this.$solid.data['some-rdf-url-with#more-data']['somepredicate']

Solid Auth Client

A reference to the solid.auth object from solid-auth-client is availabe at this.$solid.auth. This essentially saves you from doing import auth from 'solid-auth-client' in every component.


Query LDFlex

A reference to the data object from query-ldflex is available at this.$solid.data. This essentially saves you from doing import data from 'query-ldflex' in every component.

console.log(await this.$solid.data['https://ruben.verborgh.org/profile/#me'].friends.firstName);