
A C++ proof-of-concept library that offers a command-line utility to embed a Creative Commons license(URL) into image XMP metadata. This library uses Adobe's XMP Toolkit SDK to implement metadata manipulation of an image.


Firstly, clone the repository:

$ git clone

To use the library, first you have to build Adobe's XMP Toolkit.

Mac OSX - Build XMP Toolkit

  1. First install the cmake utility for Mac OSX and place the file into the XMP-Toolkit/tools/cmake folder (create it if it does not exist).

  2. Run the shell script XMP-Toolkit/build/ and choose the appropriate platform for installation (a Mac-based build). You will most likely want to generate a "static" version of the library.

  3. Open the generated project file in XCode. The file will be located in a path similar to XMP-Toolkit/build/static/intel/XMPSDKToolkitSDK.xcodeproj.

  4. In the menu in XCode, select Product > Build. Ensure that the build was successful.

Now that you have built the Toolkit, you need to build the library itself.

Mac OSX - Build license-embed library

  1. Run the shell script XMP-Toolkit/samples/build/ and choose the appropriate platform (Mac OSX).

  2. Open the generated project file in XCode. The file will be located in a path similar to XMP-Toolkit/samples/build/intel/macintosh/XMPSDKToolkitSample.xcodeproj

  3. In the menu in XCode, select Product > Build. Ensure that the build was successful.

The library should now be ready to use. It will be located int the XMP-Toolkit/samples/target folder.

Simply run the MyModifyXMP file and provide a pathname and follow the instructions.

$ ./MyModifyXMP path/to/file/relative/to/MyModifyXMP