
Un projet interne de conception et réalisation d'un systeme de stockage et partage de documments

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


DocChain: A Decentralized, Anonymous Cloud Storage Platform on IPFS.

The public page for docs stored

load doc to get the receipt of it storage transaction

Chat page between members of the same decentralized network

## Using Doc_Chain Locally.
  • Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/Jordanadopo/DocChain.git

  • For getting the latest development code: git pull origin development; git checkout development
    For getting the latest stable code: git pull origin production; git checkout production

  • Add the docchain root folder to your webserver root folder.
    For eg. In Linux, apache webserver: /var/www/html/
    Add the folder: /var/www/html/Pi_DocChain

  • Open the application in browser: http://localhost/PI_Doc_Chain

Developer API

You can find developer APIs here: Developer Docs

DocChain Upload Button Widget

Using this you can embed DocChain button to your site. A user can click the widget, which will prompt the user to add a file to be uploaded. After choosing the file the upload will start and an on completion of the upload, an event will be fired which can be used to:

  • check the status of the upload("success" or "failed")
  • retrieve data related to the upload(file "hash" and "size")

How to use?

Here is a sample code to get started:

<!--CSS CDN link for DocChain widget-->
<link href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/vasa-develop/ipfscloud@f157536445863f27481d8ce5e3025f25264d1113/app/docs/v1/css/ipfscloud-uploader.min.css" rel="stylesheet">

        <!--this div element will form the button-->
        <div id="IpfsCloudUploader"></div>

<!--JQuery needed for functioning of the widget-->
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.3.1.min.js" integrity="sha256-FgpCb/KJQlLNfOu91ta32o/NMZxltwRo8QtmkMRdAu8=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

<!--JS CDN link for DocChain widget-->
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/vasa-develop/ipfscloud@bd23078768a5c708fc0f322a3e0e0cfb45b61f71/app/docs/v1/js/ipfscloud-uploader.min.js" ></script>

The above sample will display a button wherever you place the div tag with id IpfsCloudUploader.

Events are fired through the global element ipfscloud.

ipfscloud.addEventListener("icevent", function(event) {

The event icevent outputs the following when upload is completed or an error is encountered while uploading:

  • In case of successful upload:
    "status" : "success",
    "data": {
        "hash": "hash of the uploaded file",
        "path": "path of the uploaded file",
        "size": size of the file in bytes
    "error": null
  • In case of error encountered while uploading a file:
    "status" : "failed",
    "data": null,
    "error": "some error"

NOTE that the UI is handled automatically after a successful upload or a failure.

Apps made as DocChain using IpfsCloud

  • IpfsHost: Host your website in a minute for free(paid version with new features will be released soon). You can host websites/webapps (not server-side code) on IpfsHost. You can host in 2 simple steps:

    • Choose a name for your website/webapp: Visit IpfsHost and click "Host a Website" and typein a name of your choice(let's say "mywebapp.com"). Your website/webapp will be hosted at: https://yoursite.host/mywebapp.com.
    • Upload website zipped code: After selecting a name, you will have to upload ZIPPED file(here is an example ZIP file for reference). After uploading website code, click "Upload your website" and in few seconds to a minute(depending on your file size) your website will be live :) P.S. If you don't have website code, then you can use our free website builder. You can report a bug or suggest a feature here.
  • IpfsDocs: IpfsDocs is an decentralized alternative to Google Docs and Microsoft Word. You can:

    • Create documents
    • Edit documents
    • Share editable links for collaborative editing.
    • Share read-only links for read-only purposes. You can report a bug or suggest a feature here.

Demos Videos of all Apps


  • Follow the Guidelines from Contribution.md to contribute. We love and support contributors and PRs :)

Reporting a Bug, Issues or Suggesting Features

  • You can report Bugs, Issues and suggest features here.