
Command Line App - Searching Within a Communication Dataset

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Pepsi Communication Dataset


  • Create a command line application that can read from a communication data set

How to Run

  • copy ocean.json into root directory

  • run

    npm install

  • run

    node index

  • type a query when prompted, ie)

  • observe results in console

  • to exit press

    ctrl + c

Technologies Used

  • Javascript
  • binary-search-tree
  • graph-data-structuregraph-data-structure

System Explanation

  • The dataset is stored within an IIFE (line 13) so that after creating the tree and graph it is picked up by the javascript garbage collector, and no longer takes up space

  • The dataset is stored within a binary search tree, and a graph. the binary tree allows for log N searches of specific dissent probabilities the graph allows for efficient searching of nodes within a network

  • The query parser parses user input, and determines which search to do, as well as what values to use in a particular search

Future Improvments

  • A more robust and strict querying system that relies less on if else blocks
  • A singular data structure, as opposed to two data structres for the same dataset
  • Graph search only works from the context of a target to source; would like to extend to do more exhaustive search of network


  • Since the system is modularized, the three respective functions; queryParser, graphTraversal, and binarySearch, can each be tested by importing them within a testrunner (Mocha) and passing mock data. If the expected results are seen, the system is working