- 2
panako store process hangs indefinitely
#27 opened by swamikevala - 0
gradle test fails due to wrong DATASET_URL
#45 opened by dabg3 - 0
- 1
Mac M1 Docker image fails to build, Native build does not process anything.
#43 opened by benoit-pereira-da-silva - 1
Small issues with performance script docs
#39 opened by hendriks73 - 1
create_dataset.rb doesn't work with Ruby 3.2.x
#42 opened by alexkops - 1
Unit tests and CI integration are missing
#32 opened by hendriks73 - 3
- 1
./gradlew javadoc fails
#40 opened by hendriks73 - 2
- 1
PanakoStrategy query logic Line 280 - printMap overwrites frequency and time values?
#34 opened by lucaslawes - 1
- 1
PanakoStrategy Query logic - mostCommonDeltaTforHitList selects most common delta time by position in HashMap
#35 opened by lucaslawes - 1
Large parts of the API are undocumented
#31 opened by hendriks73 - 1
javadoc warnings
#29 opened by hendriks73 - 1 typo Line 372?
#33 opened by lucaslawes - 1
Path to docs in README wrong
#30 opened by hendriks73 - 3
Building Panako from Dockerfile fails
#28 opened by guillemcortes - 1
Run on Windows
#24 opened by sanbroz - 6
- 3
- 1
- 0
Some files can't be stored
#13 opened by RobSis - 3
Monitor is hanging on big files
#16 opened by MZehren - 1
Improvement to Sync and SyncSink
#8 opened by chrisdavis03 - 10
Fingerprint matching and DB init
#4 opened by alejandrojapkin - 1
Sync Match Duration
#17 opened by arun164 - 1
- 2
Multiple Store
#15 opened by vineetmultitv - 1
- 1
Monitor matched length
#18 opened by winit-tech - 1
- 1
Not working on Debian buster
#26 opened by guillemcortes - 1
Not getting accurate matches with radio recordings
#22 opened by Lemm99 - 1
- 2
A couple of issues on Windows
#5 opened by ggnkua - 1
- 1