Automation Framework Community Edition (AFCE)

  1. Download repo ZIP and extract to C:\Source
  2. Download Windows 2022 Evaluation :
  3. Mount ISO and set correct drive letter in .\Install.ps1
  4. Run C:\Source\Install.ps1

Deploy Domain Controller with AFCE

  1. Set the local password to the same on all VMs (this applies only to Cloud) : net user administrator YOURLOCALPASSWORD
  2. Set Domain Name and Reverse Lookup IP Address in .\Applications\Scripts\Settings.xml
  3. Set DHCP Scope in .\Applications\Scripts\DHCP-vendor.ps1

Deploy Automation Framework with AFCE

  1. Set the local password to the same on all VMs (this applies only to Cloud) : net user administrator YOURLOCALPASSWORD
  2. Set Computername and Join Domain
  3. Add the local password to CustomSettings.ini => AdminPassword=YOURLOCALPASSWORD
  4. Set Run As Domain & Password in the Automation Framework Task Sequence (The Tasks with White Icon)
  5. Cut / Paste the Windows 2019 ISO into .\Applications\Misc\Automation Framework
  6. Add the licensed Install.ps1 (AF) into the same folder.
  7. Run cscript \HYDRATIONSERVERIP\Hydration$\scripts\litetouch.wsf (Cloud Only - Disable Firewall on Hydration Server)

Download and Extract

[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = "tls12, tls11, tls"
wget -uri -OutFile C:\Windows\Temp\
Expand-Archive -Path C:\Windows\Temp\ -DestinationPath C:\
ren "C:\Automation-Framework-Community-Edition-master" "C:\Source"
CD "C:\Source"