Code repository and issue tracker for the Fall 2015 of "Advanced Robotics" (Independent Study group)
This repo contains the files necessary to build and control a Stewart platform.
This code uses:
Ubuntu 14.04
ROS Indigo
Install ROS indigo if you haven't already:
Setup environment variables:
source /opt/ros/indigo/setup.bash
Setup the workspace:
mkdir -p ~/stewart_ws/src
cd ~/stewart_ws/src
sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-rosserial-arduino ros-indigo-rosserial ros-indigo-rosserial-server python-catkin-tools
cd ~/stewart_ws/src
git clone <https://address>
mv advancedrobotics/ stewart_platform/
cd ~/stewart_ws
mkdir src/stewart_platform/include
catkin build
source ~/stewart_ws/devel/setup.bash
sudo cp ~/stewart_ws/src/stewart_platform/dev_rules/*.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
sudo udevadm trigger
roscd stewart_platform/
Make sure to unplug and replug the usb devices after running udevadm trigger.
sudo gedit ~/.bashrc
Add these 2 lines at the bottom:
source /opt/ros/indigo/setup.bash
source ~/stewart_ws/devel/setup.bash
Install Dynamixel Dependencies:
sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-dynamixel-motor
Make sure roscore is running. If not, run this command in a separate terminal:
In a new terminal, bring up the dynamixel servos:
roslaunch stewart_platform controller_manager.launch
You should see the motors move to the min range, max range, and then a neutral position when running this test. If they don't move, but you don't have any errors, try restarting everything. If you have errors, good luck!
rosrun stewart_platform stewart_ik_test
stewart platform math and instructions are here
rosrun stewart_platform stewart_accel_test
A Razor tutorial. Use this tutorial to calibrate the Razor.
NOTE Yaw will not be correct if the magnetometer is not set up properly.
You can view the data in a serial monitor tool, such as Arduino or PuTTy.
Install arduino from webpage, not distro.
Tutorials are here
Start Arduino
Change the Serial Port to the one that the Sparkfun Razor is plugged into by navigating to and changing Tools -> Serial Port -> /dev/ttyUSB#
Navigate to Tools -> Serial Monitor
Change the baud rate to 57600
You should see scrolling data that changes when you move the IMU around and that looks similar to:
download the RoboPlus software from dynamixel
see this page for driver installation problems
Use the Dynamixel wizard to set up the servos. 2, 4, 6 need to be in the reverse direction mode. The files in this package assume the communication baud rate is (0x34) 57600.
- Remember to wire up the servos before installing them
- Add a laser cut hole to bottom of servo stands for easer cable routing
- Ensure servo horns are aligned to the zero position.
- Make all bars the same length and command servos to same position before installing the upper plate.